RoD twenty five. |
(JS) - Witamy państwa na pierwszym RoD po ekscytującej gali Doom’s Day PPV.
(MA) - Na Doom’s Day działo się wiele. Powrócił Alex Damon, jednak już na samym wstępie dostał wraz z Siwyyy’m lanie od Davida Parkera. (JS) - Po raz kolejny fenomenalny Clairvoyant, wciąż posiadacz trzech (!) pasów obronił PPWF Championship, tym razem wyzwaniu nie podołał Capoerista, który w ostatniej chwili dzięki interwencji The Polish Killera sprawiedliwie odebrał swój title shot SKF’owi. (MA) - Dzisiaj również po raz pierwszy od dłuższego czasu zobaczymy w regularnej walce The Wall’a, jednak jego przeciwnik nie jest nam znany. (JS) - Na początku jednak czeka nas walka Mr.Matthew vs. Tony Hawk. Ring Announcer: "The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!" Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, Mr.Matthew"! and many changing-coloured Pyrotechnics flash all the way on the Titan Tron Mr.Matthew makes his way to the ring Wearing T-Shirt of Polish footbal team Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, Tony Hawk"! Tony Hawk makes his way to the ring (…) Mr.Matthew grabs Tony Hawk's leg and reefs on the leg applying an light Argentine Leg Lock!! Mr.Matthew keeps his ruthless submission hold Mr.Matthew keeps his ruthless submission hold (…) Mr.Matthew lifts his opponent on his shoulders and lets himself fall on his back, executing a powerful Modified Samoan Drop!! Mr.Matthew gets ready to hit his opponent executing a light Low Dropkick!! Mr.Matthew hooks Tony Hawk's legs who's laying prone on the mat and subdues him with a light Modified Reverse Figure 4!! Mr.Matthew keeps his ruthless submission hold Mr.Matthew keeps his excruciating submission hold Mr.Matthew releases his grasp Mr.Matthew hooks Tony Hawk's legs who's laying prone on the mat performing a strong Modified Reverse Figure 4!! Mr.Matthew keeps his excruciating submission hold Mr.Matthew keeps his excruciating submission hold TONY HAWK IS SCREAMING IN PAIN!! Mr.Matthew releases his grasp (…) Mr.Matthew stalks his opponent as he is getting on his feet and then lands a sole blow on his opponent's jaw, performing a violent Super Kick!! (…) Mr.Matthew grabs opponent choke lift's opponent high in the air and slams him on the mat back first executing Mortal Matthew Damage!! Mr.Matthew tries a pinning maneuver Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... ....3.... MR.MATTHEW WINS THE MATCH AND DEFEATS TONY HAWK !!!! HP : Mr.Matthew, Tony Hawk (MA) - Mr.Matthew kompletnie zdominował Tony’ego Hawk’a i wykończył go fenomenalnym finisherem. (JS) - Tony Hawk nie miał nawet okazji żeby skontrować jakikolwiek z ciosów czy submissionów, był po prostu bezradny w tej walce. (MA) - Fakt faktem, nie jest on jeszcze gwiazdą PPWF, ale jest przyszłością federacji i na pewno szefostwo będzie od niego wymagało dużo więcej. (JS) - A my dużo więcej wymagamy od kolejnych wrestlerów, bowiem teraz w szranki staną Nicky Ocean i Basketball Kid. Ring Announcer: "The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!" Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, Basketball Kid"! a series of coloured spotlights creates a terrific lightshow Basketball Kid makes his way to the ring Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, Nicky Ocean"! Nicky Ocean makes his way to the ring (…) Nicky Ocean locks his opponent's leg and locks it in a light Leg Lock!! Nicky Ocean keeps his ruthless submission hold Nicky Ocean keeps his ruthless submission hold Nicky Ocean releases his grasp (…) Basketball Kid grabs the grounded opponent's feet and throws him to the turnbuckle performing a violent Rocket Launcher!! Basketball Kid grasps Nicky Ocean and lifts him up, slamming him down to the ground performing a violent Body Slam!! (…) Basketball Kid puts his opponent on his shoulders and throws himself backward crushing him on the ground, connecting with a violent Modified Samoan Drop!! Basketball Kid pulls Nicky Ocean still groggy, by his hair Basketball Kid grasps Nicky Ocean and lifts him up, slamming him down to the mat performing a powerful Body Slam!! Basketball Kid approaches his laying opponent and hits him executing a violent Knee Stomp!! (…) Basketball Kid puts his opponent on his shoulders and lets himself fall on his back, executing a devastating Modified Samoan Drop!! Basketball Kid grabs the grounded opponent's feet and falls backward throwing him to the turnbuckle performing a violent Rocket Launcher!! UNBELIEVABLE!!!! the impact of this blow is so hard that Nicky Ocean has fallen out of the ring!!!! Basketball Kid leaves the ring Referee: "Oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!" Basketball Kid positions Nicky Ocean's head on the apron ring to take a run-up and to land on Nicky Ocean with a violent Elbow Smash on the Apron!!!!! Referee: "Twooooooooooooooooo!!!" Basketball Kid positions Nicky Ocean with the body inside the ring and the head on the apron ring to hit him with an Elbow Smash on the head, executing violent Elbow Smash on the Apron!!!!! Referee: "Threeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!" (…) Referee: "Foooooooooooooooour!!!" (…) Referee: "Fiveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!" Nicky Ocean while the referee is distracted, wraps some electrical chords around his opponents throat executing a violent Choke with Electric Chords!!!!! Referee: "Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiix!!!" (…) Referee: "Seveeeeeeeeeeeeeeen!!!" (…) Referee: "Eiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh!!!" Basketball Kid goes up again in the ring Referee: "Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine!!!" Nicky Ocean goes up again in the ring (…) Basketball Kid loads his opponent on his shoulders and throws himself backward crushing him on the ground, connecting with a devastating Samoan Drop!! (…) Basketball Kid lifts Nicky Ocean on his right shoulder and slams him to back on the mat executing devastating Basket Bomb!! Basketball Kid tries a pinning maneuver Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... ....3.... BASKETBALL KID WINS THE MATCH AND DEFEATS NICKY OCEAN !!!! HP : Basketball Kid, Nicky Ocean (MA) - Kolejna walka, w której widzieliśmy dominację fizyczną jednego z rywali. Technika Nicky’ego wystarczyłą zaledwie na kilka akcji na początku, potem został całkowicie zmiażdżony przez Basketball Kid’a. (JS) - Takie walki nie są zbytnio efektowne, zwłaszcza gdy walczą dwaj teoretycznie równorzędni zawodnicy. (MA) - Miejmy nadzieję, że ten początkowy zastój to tylko chwilowy, i że w końcu ktoś rozrusza tą galę, bo zaczynam się już nudzić. (JS) - Być może teraz akcja się ożywi. W drodze na ring jest Bakson, który w Dark Matchu zmiażdżył Jobbera. Na titan tronie ukazują się fragmenty walki. Bakson grabs his opponent from behind, hooking both of his arms from the sides then he raises Jobber and falls backwards, arching his back and legs, slamming Jobber down to the mat shoulder and neck first, executing a powerful Tiger Suplex!! (…) Bakson grabs Jobber's arms and legs stretching them from behind stretching Jobber performing a strong Bloody Stretch!! Bakson keeps his ruthless submission hold Bakson keeps his weak submission hold JOBBER LOOKS SLIGHTLY INJURIED!!! Jobber can't resist anymore and taps out!! BAKSON WINS THE MATCH AND DEFEATS JOBBER !!!! - W Dark Matchu przed dzisiejszą galą udowodniłem, że Jobber jest dla mnie nikim. W związku z tym cel mojej obecności w tym ringu, w tym momencie jest chyba jasna. Czekam na silniejszego rywala, na takiego którego nie wykończę dwoma najsłabszymi ciosami z mojego repertuaru, na takiego który ma choć odrobinę. Chcę walczyć z kimś godnym mojego cennego czasu. 2 minutes to midnight The hands that threaten doom. 2 minutes to midnight To kill the unborn in the womb. (JS) -O wilku mowa! W drodze na ring Jobber, zpewnością będzie chciał odwetu za Dark match przed dzisiejszą galą! Jobber wbiega szybko na ring, atakując zdezorientowanego Baksona i przywołując sędziego. Bakson hooks both of his opponent's arms standing behind his opponent, then lifts Jobber up and falls backwards, arching his back and legs, slamming Jobber down to the canvas shoulder and neck first connecting with a violent Tiger Suplex (…) Bakson approaches his laying opponent and hits him executing a violent Knee Stomp!! (…) Jobber puts his opponent's head in his armpit, and surrounds it with his arm then leaps down onto his back, swinging his legs forward, bending Bakson, and driving him down to the mat face first, performing a violent Snap DDT!! Jobber grabs Bakson's hair Jobber puts Bakson's head under his arm and raises him while falling forward, performing a devastating Modified Reverse Suplex!! (…) Jobber puts Bakson's head under his arm and lifts him up in a vertical position, throwing him forward with a devastating Modified Reverse Suplex!! (…) Bakson climbs the top turnbuckle and raises his fists holding them together and leaps toward Jobber quickly lowering them, performing a violent Double Axe Handle!! (…) Jobber climbs the top turnbuckle and raises his fists holding them together and jumps toward Bakson quickly lowering them, performing a violent Double Axe Handle!! BAKSON HAS A CUT!!! Jobber gets on the top turnbuckle with a jump and raises his fists to the sky holding them together and leaps toward Bakson quickly lowering them, performing a violent Double Axe Handle!! Jobber tries a pinning maneuver Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... ....3.... JOBBER WINS THE MATCH AND DEFEATS BAKSON !!!! HP : obaj Ring Announcer: "The following contest is the Submission Match! There are no pinfalls and no disqualification! The only way to win is by submission!" Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, from Poland, standing at 6'9 ft, weight in at 250 pounds. He is one half of the POW! Tag Team Champions - The Wall - DAVIIIIIID PARKEEEEER!"! david "the wall" parker comes out from backstage. driving a flaming fiat 126p cabrio. David "The Wall" Parker makes his way to the ring wearing long flamed pants and Wisla Krakow T-Shirt. red carpet is laying on the ramp. from titan tron flash many coloured pyrotechnics. on 4 turnbuckles explodes fire. two big white lights hits scene, other one is following wrestler. Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, Picia Mysterio"! Picia Mysterio makes his way to the ring (…) David "The Wall" Parker crosses in a figure 4 Picia Mysterio's legs who's laying prone on the mat causing him pain with a light Reverse Figure 4!! David "The Wall" Parker keeps his weak submission hold David "The Wall" Parker keeps his excruciating submission hold David "The Wall" Parker releases his grasp (…) David "The Wall" Parker hooks Picia Mysterio's legs who's laying prone on the mat performing a strong Reverse Figure 4!! David "The Wall" Parker keeps his excruciating submission hold David "The Wall" Parker keeps his agonizing submission hold PICIA MYSTERIO IS SCREAMING IN PAIN!! David "The Wall" Parker releases his grasp David "The Wall" Parker crosses his opponent's legs locking him in a light Texas Cloverleaf imitating the famous "Lasso from el Paso"!! David "The Wall" Parker keeps his excruciating submission hold David "The Wall" Parker keeps his agonizing submission hold PICIA MYSTERIO LOOKS SLIGHTLY INJURIED!!! David "The Wall" Parker releases his grasp (…) David "The Wall" Parker cross his opponent's legs, rolling and connecting with a strong Sharpshooter!! David "The Wall" Parker keeps his excruciating submission hold David "The Wall" Parker keeps his ruthless submission hold PICIA MYSTERIO LOOKS SERIOUSLY INJURIED!!! David "The Wall" Parker releases his grasp (…) David "The Wall" Parker climbs the turnbuckle and makes a jump towards Picia Mysterio hitting him with his arm performing a violent Flying Clothesline!! David "The Wall" Parker grabs Picia Mysterio's ankle twisting it applying an violent Prison Lock!! David "The Wall" Parker keeps his excruciating submission hold Picia Mysterio can't resist anymore and taps out!! DAVID "THE WALL" PARKER WINS THE MATCH AND DEFEATS PICIA MYSTERIO !!!! HP : David, Picia Po walce na rampę wbiegają Siwyyy i Alex, który miał się zmierzyć z The Wallem w walce o pas PPWF Cruiserweight. Siwyyy wystawia Alexa i wrzuca go na ring, David niszczy Alexa Multiple Prisonplexem, i wyrzuca z ringu. Niespodziewanie od tyłu atakuje go qRA, wkrótce dołącza do niego Siwyyy. Wykonują podwójny Superplex, potem obaj po kolei finishery. Alex wczołguje się na ring, woła sędziego i przechodzi do próby pinu. Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... ....3.... UNBELIEVABLE!!! DESPITE BEING BEATEN TO A PULP DAVID "THE WALL" PARKER manages to kick out!!! Wściekły David wstaje, zdezorientowany i przerażony Alex ucieka na backstage, David podąża za nim, jednak powstrzymuje go kilkunastu ochroniarzy, wybiegających z backstage’u. HERE’S YOUR WINNER OF THIS MATCH, BY THE WAY OF DOUBLE COUNT OUT, AND STILL PPWF CRUISERWEIGHT CHAMPION - DAVID „THE WALL” PARKER. Za ringiem kamera zbliża się do rozmawiającego z Begihitem SKF’a. Słychać jedynie kilka ostatnich, wypowiedzianych chłodnym tonem słów. - Mam nadzieję, że mnie nie zawiedziesz… Ring Announcer: "The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!" Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, Capoerista"! Barrage of shots from a machine gun are heard over the arena A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestlerďż˝s greatest victories and most powerful moves Capoerista makes his way to the ring wearing capoeira t-shirt, abadas, and orange corda driving a flaming red Ferrari 360 Modena with his lover who kisses him burning with passion two Pyrotechnics red and blue, blow at each corner of the ring Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, Begihit"! A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestlerďż˝s greatest victories and most powerful moves Begihit makes his way to the ring wearing a blue jeans and black trainers (…) Capoerista folds his prostrate opponent's legs and overturns him, connecting with a light Sharpshooter!! Capoerista keeps his excruciating submission hold Capoerista keeps his excruciating submission hold Capoerista releases his grasp (…) Begihit traps his opponent's leg with his own legs and twists it by trapping it with his own to perform an light Indian Death Lock!! Begihit keeps his ruthless submission hold Begihit keeps his ruthless submission hold Begihit releases his grasp (…) Capoerista grabs Begihit's ankle twisting it in an irregular way executing an light Ankle Lock!! Capoerista keeps his excruciating submission hold Capoerista keeps his ruthless submission hold Capoerista releases his grasp Capoerista grabs Begihit's ankle twisting the foot executing an violent Polish Lock!! Capoerista keeps his agonizing submission hold Capoerista keeps his agonizing submission hold Capoerista releases his grasp (…) Capoerista grabs Begihit's ankle twisting it in an irregular way executing an violent Polish Lock!! Capoerista keeps his excruciating submission hold Begihit escapes from the hold (…) Capoerista grabs the adversary Belly to Back and ...1! First German Suplex connected! And ...2 second German Suplex! And ...3! performing a devastating Multiple Polish Suplex!! (…) Begihit hooks the adversary and locks him to lift him and lifts him with an articolated movement perfroming a Mortal Begi Driver!!!! (…) Capoerista lifte his opponent on his back while headed down and slams him down by performing a powerful Vertabreaker!! (…) Begihit takes down oponent and takes his legs and starts breaking it executing light Begilock!! Begihit keeps his ruthless submission hold Begihit keeps his weak submission hold Begihit releases his grasp (…) Capoerista grabs Begihit from behind executing a German Suplex, then he connects a second one and in the end he connects also the third one, performing a powerful Multiple German Suplex!! (…) Begihit kicks the adversary and lifts him with an articolated movement perfroming a devastating Begi Driver!!!! (…) Begihit leaps from the turnbuckle and lands right on his opponent's back connecting with a Mortal Begihits Skytwister Press!! Begihit rises on the turnbuckle and throws himself on Capoerista while performing a torsion with the body executing a strong Twisting Body Attack!! Begihit tries a pinning maneuver Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... ....3.... INCREDIBLE!!! CAPOERISTA a breaks the count by pulling the referee shirt!! (…) Begihit puts the adversary's head between the legs to grab him to grab his belt perfroming a powerful Pulling Piledriver!!!! CAPOERISTA HAS A CUT!!! (…) Capoerista gets on the top turnbuckle with a jump and raises his fists to the sky holding them together and leaps toward Begihit quickly lowering them, performing a powerful Double Axe Handle!! BEGIHIT HAS A CUT!!! (…) Capoerista approaches Begihit and gives a blow to his throat executing a violent Throat Thrust!! (…) Begihit takes down oponent and takes his legs and starts breaking it executing light Begilock!! Begihit keeps his weak submission hold Capoerista hangs on to referee shirt!!!! Begihit releases his grasp Begihit tries a pinning maneuver Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... ....3.... BEGIHIT WINS THE MATCH AND DEFEATS CAPOERISTA !!!! HP : obaj Na titan tronie pojawia się obrazek stojącego przed telewizorem, oglądającego walkę i bijącego brawo SKF’a. Po przerwie na reklamy, kamera pokazuje idącego korytarzem do swojej szatgni Clairvoyanta, którego potrąca i odchodzi bez słowa nie kto inny jak maly619. You can hate me now.... But I wont stop now.... Cause I cant stop now.... You can hate me nooooooow.... - Przez ostatnie miesiace bylem bardzo cierpliwym czlowiekiem, patrzylem jak jakies beztalencia jak Begishit, kichu69, Tapeorista czy WTF...nie zaraz SKS, nie...hmmm, nie wazne jak oni sie nazywaja, ale wracajac do tematu, patrzylem Jak dostaja Title shot za Title shotem i kazdy pada jak mucha, jak jobbuja w najlepsze. Ktos tu chyba zapomnial o The Chosen 1 Lukasie Stanczaku!!!! Jestem pierwszym w historin PPWF Champem, jestm GM RoDu i nalezy mi sie to co zawsze do mnie nalezalo, czyli bycie Undisputed World Champem, tymczasem po tym jak niesprawiedliwie stracilem swoje pasy, dano mi moze 1 rematch. 1!!! przez ten caly czas, gdy taki miszu666 dostaje nie mal co tydzien, wiec Killer, wyjmuj paczka z geby wlaz tu na ring i oglaszaj, walke o World Championship, pomiedzy Clairvoyantem a mna... BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! Let meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee entertain you!!!!!!!!!!! YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! - Jako mistrz sam mam prawo do dysponowania swoimi pasami. I sądząc po tym, co powiedziałeś jesteś bardzo pewny siebie. Więc może będziesz chętny zmierzyć się ze mną w Ambulance Matchu? Może Ladder Match? Cokolwiek. O pas. - Jasne. Rzuć tylko wyzwanie… N-N-Now tha-that don't kill me Can only make me stronger... - Panowie, spokojnie. Zmierzycie się dzisiaj w walce o PPWF Heavywieght Championship. Ale walkę wybiorę ja. Jak wiecie, ta klatka na górze była przygotowana na inną okoliczność. Jednakże w zaistniałej sytuacji posłuży ona do rozegrania Special Refeere Steel Cage Matchu o pas PPWF Heavyweight Championa z udziałem Clairvoyanta, Lukasa Stanczaka i… no właśnie. A oto wasz sędzia. Killing in the name of… Ring Announcer: "The following contest is the Steel Cage Match and it’s for the PPWF HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP!!!" Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, Clairvoyant"! it seems like a thunder has just stroke! A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestler’s greatest victories and most powerful moves Clairvoyant makes his way to the ring wearing a black wrestling costume and a black leather coat, with his baseball bat in his hand Four lightnings hit the ringposts Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, From Galaxy far far away...The New Master of The Force, TC1 Lukas Stanczak"! it seems like a thunder has just stroke! suddenly high flames light on, as though the ‘tron was set to fire! Lukas Stanczak makes his way to the ring wearing black jacket with black sun glasses, slowly makes his way to the ring, looking around the arena, demending respect that he thinks he deserves driving a flaming red ferrari 360 modena with his lightsaber in hes pocket:) four lightnings hit the ringposts (…) Clairvoyant springs off the top rope and leaps on his opponent lying on the ground and lands on him performing a Mortal Back To The Future!! Clairvoyant grabs Lukas Stanczak's hair Clairvoyant grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes Clairvoyant plunges his opponent sitting on the mat leaping on him kicking him on the back of his neck, connecting with a violent Shining Wizard!! Clairvoyant leaps up executing a somersault, pointing at his opponent lying across the ring and lands on him splashing him with a violent Standing Moonsault!! (…) Lukas Stanczak approaches his rival loading his arm and executes a violent Throat Thrust hitting his opponent to the neck!! (…) Clairvoyant prepares the leg and hits him on the face with a violent Roundhouse Kick!! Clairvoyant grabs Lukas Stanczak from behind and turns over Lukas Stanczak with great mastery, performing a Mortal Time Machine!! (…) Lukas Stanczak grabs his opponent and takes his head downwards performing a powerful Jumping Piledriver!! Lukas Stanczak grabs Clairvoyant's hair Lukas Stanczak grabs one Clairvoyant 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Lukas Stanczak spins as he gets close to his opponent and then lands a heel blow on his opponent's face, performing a powerful Spinning Wheel Kick!! Lukas Stanczak grabs Clairvoyant's hair Lukas Stanczak grabs Clairvoyant's belly, raising him up on his own shoulder and slams him down on the ground making him fall forward, performing a Mortal the Chosen One Path!! (…) Lukas Stanczak grabs the head of the dumped opponent in front of himself with both the hands and raises him slamming Clairvoyant's head on the ground executing a devastating Force Face Drop!! (…) (…) Lukas Stanczak brings his foot up then drops it into Clairvoyant executing an violent Axe Kick!! (…) Clairvoyant turns against the adversary and kicks him with a violent Mule Kick!!! Clairvoyant grabs both of his opponent's arms hooking them, and places his hands palm down flat against Lukas Stanczak's upper back. then lifts Lukas Stanczak up and falls backwards, arching his back and legs, having his opponent collide with his neck and shoulder on the mat performing a violent Snap Tiger Suplex!! Clairvoyant leaps up executing a somersault, pointing at his opponent lying across the ring and lands on him splashing him with a violent Standing Moonsault!! (…) Lukas Stanczak goes ahead of the dumped opponent grabbing him by the head with both the hands and raises him and nobbles Clairvoyant down with the head on the ground executing a powerful Force Face Drop!! (…) Lukas Stanczak grabs his rival's leg raises his elbow and performs a devastating Elbow drop to inner thigh!! (…) Lukas Stanczak gets on the top turnbuckle raising his fists held together and leaps toward Clairvoyant quickly lowering them, performing a devastating Double Axe Handle!! CLAIRVOYANT HAS A CUT!!! Lukas Stanczak start to blimb the steel cage Lukas Stanczak starts to climb the steel cage Clairvoyant and runs towards his opponent, hindering the ascension (…) Clairvoyant climbs the top turnbuckle and leaps toward Lukas Stanczak kicking him with a powerful Diving Thrust Kick!! (…) Lukas Stanczak prepares to hit Clairvoyant hurling his leg and hits Clairvoyant with a devastating Roundhouse Kick!! Lukas Stanczak puts his opponent on his shoulders, then spins him around his head and drops him face first on the mat executing LEGENDARY Lion's Heart!! CLAIRVOYANT IS BLEEDING!! Lukas Stanczak gets close to his grounded opponent and hits him executing a devastating Knee Stomp!! Lukas Stanczak climbs the steel cage to the top and jumps off the top landing on his opponent executing a Mortal fliyng body press!! Lukas wspina się po klatce, jednak za nogę łapie go maly619! Lukas spycha go na ring, po czym wykonuje Elbow Drop ze szczytu klatki!!! Clairvoyant wykorzystując sytuację wchodzi na trzecią linę, jednak Lukas wstaje i wykonuje mu Powerbomb z narożnika i z satysfakcją na twarzy, celebrując ten moment, wychodzi przez dzrwi od klaki. HERE’S YOUR WINNER, AND NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEW P P W F W O R L D H E A V Y W E I G H T C H A M P I O N - LUKAAAAAAS STAAAANCZAAAAAK !!!! HP : obaj |
Post został pochwalony 1 raz |
fajna gala
Post został pochwalony 0 razy |
ja się nie mogę doczekać kolejnej ^^
Post został pochwalony 0 razy |
Dobra gala, mam nadzieje ze feud pomiedzy mna a Jobber'em sie przedluzy:D
Post został pochwalony 0 razy |
Ja tez mam taka nadzieje xD a gala jak najbardziej pozytywna
Post został pochwalony 0 razy Ostatnio zmieniony przez Jobber dnia Czw 15:19, 16 Paź 2008, w całości zmieniany 1 raz |
Mistrz Świata
coś killer jest tera w dobrej formie jakos mu nadzwyczajnie zajebiste gale wychodza oby tak dalej, jak dla mnie 6
Post został pochwalony 0 razy |
Fajna gala, ale jak to powiedział kiedyś Arturus(pozdro),Słaba walka w moim wykonaniu
Post został pochwalony 0 razy |
Super Gala Szkoda, ze walczylem na otwarcie ale Gala na 6
Post został pochwalony 0 razy |
twenty fife, błysłeś angielskim Killer
Post został pochwalony 0 razy |
Co, może jeszcze powiesz że "fife" sie pisze? haha n00b
Post został pochwalony 0 razy |
Mistrz Świata
pewnie Siwyyy źle przeczytał i mu sie zdawało ze "fife" pisze a może chciał FIFE 09 zareklamować
Post został pochwalony 0 razy |
tak sie zastanawialem kiedy dyskusja zejdzie z gali na kompletny bezsens...
Post został pochwalony 0 razy |
Hmmm, nie wiem jak Ci to powiedzieć... Już zeszła?
Post został pochwalony 0 razy |
dlatego napisane jest "zastanawialem" a nie "zastanawiam"
Post został pochwalony 0 razy |
Killer admin a rozpierdziel robi największy
Post został pochwalony 0 razy |
RoD twenty five. |
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