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RoD (11) - RAPORT!

Dołączył: 28 Mar 2008
Posty: 482
Przeczytał: 0 tematów

Pomógł: 13 razy
Ostrzeżeń: 0/5

Pojemność : 42.300
Bilety sprzedane : 40.937

(JS) - Witamy państwa na 11 odsłonie Roster of Death!
(MA) - Dzisiaj czeka nas niezwykle emocjonujący wieczór, bowiem w Main Evencie Senior Konrad Fuentez w walce Last Man Standing będzie bronił pasa przeciwko Calirvoyantowi.
(JS) - To już niebawem, tymczasem zacznijmy show!

[Now tha-tha-that dont kill me, can only make me stronger.]
- Witam was na RoD! Mam wam coś do powiedzenia, jednak nie mogę tego zrobić bez obecności 3 osób. Oto pierwsza z nich.
Na ring wchodzi Lukas Stanczak.
- I kolejny zawodnik.
Na ring wchodzi Shawn "Showstopper" Michaels i staje obok obenych w ringu.
- Shawn, masz nam coś do powiedzenia, prawda?- Tak jest. Spędziłem tutaj wiele pięknych chwil. Zdobyłem pas Cruiserweight i trzymałem go do tej pory. Już dłużej go nie utrzymam. Odchodzę z PPWF.
Widzowie buczą.
- Kolej na Lukasa.
- Dzięki. Dzisiaj może dojść także do kolejnej rezygnacji wrestlera. O ile tylko przegra on dzisiaj w walce z qRĄ. Pozostanie on w federacji, ale praktycznie nie będzie miał okazji do walki.
Widzowie po raz kolejny buczą.
- Zapytacie pewnie kto jest 3 wrestlerem. Oto i on! THE WALL - DAVID PARKER.
I've been a prisoner, trapped in by fear. Ordered for the rest of my life, condemned in a jail cell...
- Oto nowy wrestler, zajmujący miejsce Shawna.
David przechodzi dookoła ringu witając się z fanami. Po chwili cała czwórka opuszcza ring przy jego entrance'ie.

Ring Announcer: "The following contest is scheduled for one fall"
Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, Max Cheer"!
Max Cheer makes his way to the ring
Four lightnings hit the ringposts
Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, michu619"!
michu619 makes his way to the ring
Max Cheer entwines his opponent's legs with his own,
rolling and connecting with a light Sharpshooter!!
Max Cheer keeps his agonizing submission hold
Max Cheer keeps his excruciating submission hold
Max Cheer releases his grasp
Max Cheer entwines his opponent's legs with his own,
rolling and connecting with a strong Modified Sharpshooter!!
michu619 escapes from the hold
Max Cheer entwines his opponent's legs with his own,
capsizing him and submitting him with a light Modified Sharpshooter!!
Max Cheer keeps his excruciating submission hold
Max Cheer keeps his ruthless submission hold
Max Cheer releases his grasp
Max Cheer sits on his opponent's back grabbing his wrist
then he grabs the other one too crossing them under the chin performing a light Goku-Raku Stretch!!
Max Cheer keeps his agonizing submission hold
Max Cheer keeps his agonizing submission hold
Max Cheer releases his grasp
michu619 approaches Max Cheer from behind and puts his head under Max Cheers arm
and hooks his arm between Max Cheers legs lifting him in the air twisting his body slamming him to the mat holding the power bomb executing a devastating Modified Blue Thunder Pin!!
Referee starts counting...
Max Cheer gets up and resolutely fights back
Max Cheer puts his head under the adversary's arm
using his own back as a bridge, he makes him fall back with a devastating Northern Light Suplex!!
Max Cheer pulls michu619 still groggy, by his hair
Max Cheer grasps michu619
and lifts him up, slamming him down to the ground performing a violent Body Slam!!
Max Cheer grabs michu619's hair
Max Cheer grabs one michu619 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well
Max Cheer grabs michu619 from behind
and attempts a pinfall with a light Backslide Pin!!
Referee starts counting...
michu619 kicks out
michu619 lifts his opponent on his shoulders
and lets himself fall on his back, executing a devastating Samoan Drop!!
Max Cheer locks his opponent's leg
and he subdues him with a light Leg Lock!!
Max Cheer keeps his ruthless submission hold
Max Cheer keeps his excruciating submission hold
Max Cheer releases his grasp
Max Cheer folds his prostrate opponent's legs
capsizing him and submitting him with a strong Modified Sharpshooter!!
Max Cheer keeps his weak submission hold
Max Cheer keeps his ruthless submission hold
Max Cheer releases his grasp
Max Cheer pulls michu619 still groggy, by his hair
Max Cheer grab michu619's foot and lift their leg off the ground
and through the hole created and grab his own wrist executing violent Ankle Lock!!
Max Cheer keeps his ruthless submission hold
Max Cheer keeps his agonizing submission hold

[Kamera ukazuje biuro Lukasa Stanczaka. Naprzeciwko GM'a RoD'u siedzi mistrz PPWF ze swym pasem na ramieniu, Senior Konrad Fuentez.]
- Przyszedłem do ciebie bo mam sprawe. I to ważną.
[Pauzuje na chwilę, spoglądając na rekację Lukasa, ten słucha dalej w skupieniu.]
- BARDZO ważną. Dzisiaj potrzebuje, abyś zakontraktował dla mnie walkę.
- Żaden problem, wal śmiało.
- To może być problem.
- A mianowicie?
- Walczyć będziesz TY w Cage Matchu z Clairvoyantem. Przemyśl to i daj znać po następnej walce. Ryzyko jest twoje. Jak wygrasz, dostaniesz, co chcesz. Jak przegrasz, masz problem. Ale jak się nie zgodzisz... Będziemy rozmawiać inaczej.

Ring Announcer: "The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!"
Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, Medicine Bottle"!
John the Serial makes his way to the ring
Not wanting to die out here without you...
Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, mart mong"!
mart mong makes his way to the ring
technicians create a terrific choreography with coloured lights as he steps into the ring
John the Serial loads his opponent on his shoulders
and lets himself fall on his back, executing a violent We Are What We Are What We Shall Be Again!!
John the Serial grabs his opponent from behind, hooking both of his arms from the sides
then he raises mart mong and falls backwards, arching his back and legs, slamming mart mong down to the mat shoulder and neck first, executing a violent Can You Love As Much As You Can Hate!!
John the Serial lifts his opponent on his shoulders
and lets himself fall on his back, executing a devastating We Are What We Are What We Shall Be Again!!
John the Serial grabs his opponent with an arm and he stretches it out
to slam his head on the mat by performing a violent One Arm DDT!!
John the Serial gets close to his opponentl and jumps
and strikes him with a punch executing a violent Fist Drop!!
John the Serial lifts mart mong on his shoulders
God Hates Us All executing strong Bleeding Storm!!
John the Serial keeps his weak submission hold
mart mong escapes from the hold
mart mong blocks John the Serial's arm tight
and falling down performs a violent Falling Arm Breaker on his rival's arm!!
John the Serial gets close to his opponentl and jumps
to hitt him straight with a punch, performing a violent Fist Drop!!
John the Serial goes towards his rival
and executes a violent Throat Thrust hitting his opponent to the neck!!
John the Serial lifts mart mong on his shoulders
God Hates Us All executing devastating Bleeding Storm!!
John the Serial keeps his weak submission hold
mart mong can't resist anymore and taps out!!

(MA) - Wow. Nigdy bym się nie spodziewał, że SKF może posunąć się aż tak daleko!
(JS) - Mart, ale czego ty byś nie zrobił dla pasa PPWF?! Ma kasę i z niej korzysta. Zobaczymy, czy GM RoD odważy się na tą walkę.

Ring Announcer: "The following contest is the Steel Cage Match! The only way to win is to escape from the cage!"
Ring Announcer: “The following contest is Cage Match! There are no disqualification’s, no pinfalls! The only way to win is to escape the steel cage!”
Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, He can see the future, but still never won in a lottery. He is the modern answer for a greek oracles. He's... Clairvoyant"!
lights go out and sound of thunders can be heard
a clip is aired on the titan tron, showing clairvoyant's rise to power, the song is "reqiuem for a dream"
Clairvoyant makes his way to the ring
wearing a black wrestling costume and a black leather coat, with his baseball bat in his hand
four white lightnings hit the ringposts, than lights goes back again and clairvoyant is already in the ring
Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, "The Chosen One Lukas Stanczak" "!
[Widzowie i zniecierpliwiony Clairvoyant czekają dłuższą chwilę w ciszy gdy...]
it seems like a thunder has just stroke!
Suddenly high flames light on, as though the ‘Tron was set to fire!
Lukas Stanczak makes his way to the ring
wearing black jacket with black sun glasses, slowly makes his way to the ring, looking around the arena, demending respect that he thinks he deserves
driving a flaming red Ferrari 360 Modena
with his lover who kisses him burning with passion
Four lightnings hit the ringposts
Clairvoyant leaps up executing a somersault, pointing at his opponent lying across the ring
and lands on him splashing him with a violent Back To The Future!!
Clairvoyant turns against the adversary
to hit him with a violent Mule Kick there in his "secret"!!!
Clairvoyant grabs Lukas Stanczak's head
and slams his opponent’s head against the steel cage executing a violent headbutt on steel cage!!
Clairvoyant prepares to hit Lukas Stanczak hurling his leg
and hits Lukas Stanczak with a violent Roundhouse Kick!!
Clairvoyant grabs Lukas Stanczak's shoulders
slamming his back down to the mat performing a Mortal Time Machine!!
Lukas Stanczak lifts Clairvoyant on his shoulder holding him by the belly
and slams him forward performing a devastating the Chosen One Path!!
[Special Attack activated for Lukas Stanczak]
Lukas Stanczak grabs Clairvoyant's hair
Lukas Stanczak and lunges himself on the ropes
Lukas Stanczak waits for the running adversary
and hits him with both the fists performing a violent Polish Hammer!!
Lukas Stanczak climbs the steel cage to the top
and jumps on Clairvoyant executing a devastating fliyng headbutt!!
Lukas Stanczak grasps Clairvoyant by his belly and lifts him up on his own shoulder
and slams him forward performing a Mortal the Chosen One Path!!
Lukas Stanczak climbs the steel cage to the top
and jumps off the top landing on his opponent executing a Mortal fliyng body press!!
Clairvoyant pulls himself together and fights back
Clairvoyant gets ready to hit Lukas Stanczak
and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a violent European Uppercut!!
Clairvoyant grabs Lukas Stanczak from behind
and turns over Lukas Stanczak with great mastery, performing a Mortal Time Machine!!
Clairvoyant grabs Lukas Stanczak's hair
Clairvoyant locks Lukas Stanczak's head under his arm
forcing Lukas Stanczak to dive onto his head with a violent DDT!!
Lukas Stanczak interrupts his opponent attacks sequence
Clairvoyant runs towards his rival
grabbing his head they both whirl before falling to the ground with violent Flipping Face Slam!!
Clairvoyant plunges his opponent sitting on the mat leaping on him
and smacks him sideways with a kick on his neck, knocking him down with a powerful Shining Wizard!!
Clairvoyant is about to perform his taunt
Clairvoyant Jumps On The Ropes executing The Forseeing
Clairvoyant bents Lukas Stanczak grabs him by the head
and slams him on the mat with inverted DDT landing on him executing HardCore Bad Omen!!
The match cannot end with a pin fall
Clairvoyant start to blimb the steel cage
Clairvoyant starts to climb the steel cage
Clairvoyant reaches the top of the cage
[Clairvoyant zatrzymuje się na szczycie klatki osłupiały na widok stojącego pod nim i gotowego do walki SKF'a. Ten wyraźnie sugeruje mu, żeby nawet nie próbował schodzić na dół. Po chwili niespostrzeżenie na rampę wbiega John the Serial i uderza mistrza PPWF krzesłem.]
Clairvoyant climbs over the top bar and moves to the outer side
Clairvoyant and finally leaves the cage!

(MA) - Przyznam, że bardzo zdziwiła mnie decyzja Lukasa. Postanowił walczyć nawet ze swoim Tag Partnerem, aby tylko dostać szansę na większą kasę.
(JS) - Tak jest, lecz chyba SKF może być zadowolony z tej walki. Clairvoyant został mocno poobijany.
(MA) - Zobaczymy, czy da radę w Main Evencie, tymczasem zapraszamy na arcyciekawy Submission Match - Siwyyy vs. Capoerista, w jednym ringu, liczy się tylko odklepanie!

Ring Announcer: "The following contest is the Submission Match! There are no pinfalls and no disqualification! The only way to win is by submission!"
Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, Capoerista"!
it seems like a thunder has just stroke!
Capoerista makes his way to the ring
Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, Siwyyy"!
Siwyyy makes his way to the ring
Siwyyy grabs Capoerista's ankle
twisting it in an irregular way executing an light Ankle Lock!!
Siwyyy keeps his ruthless submission hold
Siwyyy keeps his excruciating submission hold
Capoerista grabs one of Siwyyy's legs, and places Siwyyy's ankle between his thighs,
and lying on top of him wraps his arms around his chin, performing a light STF!!
Capoerista keeps his excruciating submission hold
Capoerista keeps his weak submission hold
Capoerista releases his grasp
Capoerista crosses in a figure 4 the opponent's legs who's laying prone on the mat
Siwyyy easily avoids a Reverse Figure 4, taking the initiative
Siwyyy grabs one of Capoerista's legs, and places Capoerista's ankle between his thighs,
and lying on top of him wraps his arms around his chin, performing a light STF!!
Siwyyy keeps his excruciating submission hold
Siwyyy keeps his excruciating submission hold
Capoerista crosses in a figure 4 Siwyyy's legs who's laying prone on the mat
and subdues him with a strong Reverse Figure 4!!
Capoerista keeps his ruthless submission hold
Capoerista keeps his ruthless submission hold
Capoerista releases his grasp
Capoerista grabs Siwyyy's hair
Capoerista lifts up his opponet so Siwyyy's back is resting on the wrestler's shoulder
then pulls down on his neck and legs performing a light Canadian Back Breaker!!
Capoerista keeps his ruthless submission hold
Capoerista keeps his ruthless submission hold
Capoerista releases his grasp
Siwyyy entwines his opponent's legs with his own,
and overturns him, connecting with a light Sharpshooter!!
Siwyyy keeps his excruciating submission hold
Siwyyy keeps his ruthless submission hold
Siwyyy releases his grasp
Siwyyy grabs Capoerista's ankle
twisting it in an irregular way executing an violent Siwyy Ankle Lock!!
Siwyyy keeps his excruciating submission hold
Siwyyy keeps his agonizing submission hold
Siwyyy releases his grasp
Siwyyy blocks his rival's legs
and blocks them in a very painful 4 shape position performing a strong Figure 4!!
Siwyyy keeps his excruciating submission hold
Siwyyy keeps his ruthless submission hold
Siwyyy releases his grasp
Siwyyy retrieves a lead pipe from under the ring
and hits Capoerista on his nose executing a devastating lead pipe shot!!
Siwyyy grabs one of Capoerista's legs, and places Capoerista's ankle between his own thighs,
and lying on top of him wraps his arms around his chin, performing a light STF!!
Siwyyy keeps his ruthless submission hold
Capoerista can't resist anymore and taps out!!

(MA) - Świetna walka, wiele wspaniałych Submission Holdów i wg. mnie zasłużenie wygrywa Siwyyy.
(JS) - Tak, jest teraz jednym z najmocniejszych wrestlerów w PPWF i prawdopodobnie najlepszym technikiem.
(MA) - Nie zapominaj o Max Cheer! Jeszcze nigdy ze sobą nie walczyli.
(JS) - To fakt, ale PPWF chyba nie chce ryzykować i daje Siwyyy'emu przed walką z Maxem jak największe pole do popisu.
(MA) - Koniec gadania, przejdźmy do kolejnej walki dzisiejszego wieczoru!

Ring Announcer: "The following contest is scheduled for one fall"
Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, "The Chosen One Lukas Stanczak" "!
it seems like a thunder has just stroke!
Suddenly high flames light on, as though the ‘Tron was set to fire!
Lukas Stanczak makes his way to the ring
wearing black jacket with black sun glasses, slowly makes his way to the ring, looking around the arena, demending respect that he thinks he deserves
driving a flaming red Ferrari 360 Modena
with his lover who kisses him burning with passion
Four lightnings hit the ringposts
Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, qRA"!
qRA makes his way to the ring
qRA with the help of the top rope, leaps up executing a somersault, pointing his opponent lying across the ring
and lands on him with a violent Springboard Moonsault!!!
qRA grabs Lukas Stanczak's shoulders
and turns over Lukas Stanczak with great mastery, performing a violent Blackout!!
qRA springs off the top rope and leaps on his opponent lying on the ground
and lands on him back first executing a devastating Springboard Senton Splash!!
qRA springs off the top rope and leaps on his opponent lying on the ground
and lands on him performing a Mortal Springboard Qrasault!!
Lukas Stanczak gets on the top turnbuckle with a jump and raises his fists to the sky holding them together
and leaps toward qRA quickly lowering them, performing a powerful Double Axe Handle!!
qRA plunges his opponent sitting on the mat leaping on him
and with a swift kick strikes him on his temple, performing a powerful Shining Wizard!!
Lukas Stanczak puts his opponent on his shoulders
and lets himself fall on his back, executing a devastating Death In Polish Style!!
Lukas Stanczak grabs his opponent's leg
and locks his leg against the shoulder to execute a strong Koji Clutch!!
Lukas Stanczak keeps his weak submission hold
qRA can't resist anymore and taps out!!

(JS) - Mart, teraz czeka nas niespodzianka. qRA zmierzy się z wretlerem, który po porażce będzie praktycznie skończony jako walczący werstler w PPWF. Jak myślisz, kto to będzie.
(MA) - Z początku myślałem o SKF'ie i dalej tak sądze.
(JS) - No cóż, zobaczymy!

Ring Announcer: "The following contest is the invitational match, and is scheduled for one fall"
Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, qRA"!
qRA makes his way to the ring
Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, The Polish Killer"!
Suddenly high flames light on, as though the �Tron was set to fire!
The Polish Killer makes his way to the ring
(MA) - Tak jest, Polish Killer stawia swoją karierę wrestlera na szali w walce z qRĄ. Coś mi tu śmierdzi.

The two wrestlers stare proudly at each other
and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent
after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort qRA prevails
qRA prepares his arm
and hits the adversary with a light Punch!!
qRA gets ready to hit his opponent with a kick
to strike his opponent's head with an light Overhead Kick!!
qRA grabs The Polish Killer from backside and leans his knees against his back
and lets himself fall, hitting his opponent's back with his knees, executing a light Kneeling Back Breaker!!
qRA climbs on the turnbuckle and completes a leap backward
landing on the adversary, performing a strong Moonsault!!
qRA approaches to his laying opponent and falls down
to hitt him straight with a punch, performing a light Fist Drop!!
qRA bounces off the top rope with The Polish Killer lying face up on the mat
and lands on him back first executing a strong Springboard Senton Splash!!
qRA springs off the top rope and leaps on his opponent lying on the ground
and lands on him with a light Springboard Moonsault!!!
The Polish Killer interrupts his opponent attacks sequence
The Polish Killer prepares his arm to strike the adversary
qRA moves to the side eluding a Punch and taking back the initiative
qRA holds his opponent by the head
and hits him right into his face with a knee strike executing a light Knee on Head!!
qRA holds his opponent
and strikes his throat with an light Uppercut!!
[Special Increased Pinning activated for qRA]
qRA grabs The Polish Killer's head from behind
and making a twist of 180° slams his face on the ground connecting a strong Twisting DDT!!
qRA grabs The Polish Killer's hair
qRA bounces off, using the top rope,
and grabs his opponent's neck wrapping his arm around it, and slams him head first on the mat with a light Springboard Bulldog!!
qRA bounces off the top rope with The Polish Killer lying face up on the mat
and lands on him performing a violent Springboard Qrasault!!
qRA with the help of the top rope, leaps up executing a somersault, pointing his opponent lying across the ring
and lands on him performing a devastating Springboard Qrasault!!
qRA climbs quickly on the turnbuckle, jumping backwards
landing on The Polish Killer with a devastating Modified Moonsault!!
qRA bounces off by using the middle rope, performing a backflip in mid-air towards his opponent
and lands on him back first executing a violent Springboard Senton Splash!!
qRA pulls The Polish Killer still groggy, by his hair
qRA gets on the rope and jumps towards his opponent
to hit his opponent with a strong West Coast Pop!!
Referee starts counting...
The Polish Killer kicks out
The Polish Killer interrupts his opponent attacks sequence
The Polish Killer gets ready to hit qRA
qRA shifts and avoids an a European Uppercut, taking the initiative
qRA charge his right arm
hitting his opponent with a light Chop followed by a chant of WOOOOOO!!!
qRA turns his body and lifts his leg bent at the knee
The Polish Killer ducks and eludes the a Side Kick, retaking the initative
The Polish Killer grabs qRA's neck
qRA dodges the a Falling Neck Breaker easily, taking the initiative
qRA grabs his opponent's arm with both hands and jumps locking The Polish Killers other arm with his legs
forcing him to roll backwards into a light Crucifix Pin!!
Referee starts counting...
The Polish Killer kicks out
qRA is about to perform his taunt
The Polish Killer capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!
but qRA is faster and is not caught off guard!
qRA grabs his opponent's head
and hits him right into his face with a knee strike executing a light Knee on Head!!
qRA holds his opponent
and fiercely strikes his throat with an light Uppercut!!
qRA grabs The Polish Killer's head from behind
and turning of 180° slams The Polish Killer's face on the ground executing a violent Twisting DDT!!
qRA jumps on the top turnbuckle
and throws himself across The Polish Killer in a strong Diving Crossbody, pinning him!!
Referee starts counting...
The Polish Killer kicks out
The Polish Killer interrupts his opponent attacks sequence
The Polish Killer gets ready to hit qRA
and raises his arm rapidly hitting with the forearm qRA's jaw performing an violent European Uppercut!!
The Polish Killer angrily prepares his leg
qRA dodges the a Big Kick starting a counterattack
qRA turns giving his shouldres to the adversary
and kicks him with a strong Mule Kick!!!
qRA prepares to hit The Polish Killer grasping him by his chest
then he lifts his knee and hits him with a strong Tie Up Knee Strike!!
qRA loads his opponent on his shoulders
and lets himself fall on his back, executing a violent Samoan Drop!!
qRA rushes towards his rival on the ground
to hit him with the fist executing a strong Fist Drop!!
qRA tries a pinning maneuver
Referee starts counting...

(JS) - Co sądzisz o tym, co się przed chwilą wydarzyło, Mart?
(MA) - Według mnie to może być jakiś podstęp. Nie chcę się jeszcze o tym wypowiadać, ale mam pewne przypuszczenia. Gdy się potwierdzą z pewnością ci je przekarze. Teraz jednak obejrzyjmy debiutancą walkę nowego wrestlera w PPWF!

Ring Announcer: "The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!"
Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, Est"!
Est makes his way to the ring
Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, standing at 6ft tall, weight in at 264 lb, the Polish, undeafeted Submission Machine. He is The Wall - DAVID PARKER!"!
shawn "showstopper" michaels comes out from backstage.
driving a flaming red ferrari 360 modena.
David "The Wall" Parker makes his way to the ring
wearing long flamed pants and T-Shirt with DX logo.
red carpet is laying on the ramp. from titan tron flash many coloured pyrotechnics.
on 4 turnbuckles explodes fire. two big white lights hits scene, other one is following wrestler.
David "The Wall" Parker grabs Est's hair
David "The Wall" Parker while Est is bent he hooks his arms behind his back
throwing him over his head and behind his back to the mat pinning him, executing a light Modified Chicken Wing Suplex Pin!!
Referee starts counting...
Est gets up and resolutely fights back
Est opens wide his arms
and hits David "The Wall" Parker on the face with the palms of the hands performing a violent Mongolian Chop!!
David "The Wall" Parker grabs Est's arms and legs making lever on them
hooking the legs to his own legs, performing a light Mexican Stretch!!
David "The Wall" Parker keeps his ruthless submission hold
David "The Wall" Parker keeps his ruthless submission hold
David "The Wall" Parker releases his grasp
David "The Wall" Parker pulls Est still groggy, by his hair
David "The Wall" Parker lifts Est on his shoulders jumps at the top turnbuckle
then slams Est outside the ring jumps on opponent with Swanton Bomb then put's opponent in ring again and hit's Est with LEGENDARY Spear executing devastating Wall Bomb!!
David "The Wall" Parker lifts his opponent up over his head with arms fully extended
slamming him on the ropes, connecting with a powerful Slingshot!!
Est climbs the top turnbuckle raising his elbow
and jumps toward David "The Wall" Parker hitting him with a violent Diving Elbow Drop!!
Est lifts David "The Wall" Parker on his shoulders
and slams him on the mat executing devastating The Darkness Falls!!
Est grabs David "The Wall" Parker's hair
Est locks David "The Wall" Parker's head under his arm
forcing David "The Wall" Parker to dive onto his head with a violent Modified DDT!!
Est is about to perform his taunt
Est executing A What The Hell
Est pulls David "The Wall" Parker still groggy, by his hair
Est puts his opponent on his shoulders
and throws himself backward, trampling him with powerful Modified Samoan Drop!!
David "The Wall" Parker puts his opponent on his shoulders
and lets himself fall on his back, executing a powerful Samoan Drop!!
Est opens wide his arms
and hits David "The Wall" Parker on the face with the palms of the hands performing a violent Mongolian Chop!!
Est stands firmly on the mat
and hits David "The Wall" Parker with a kick while spinning backwards, performing a violent Back Spinning Wheel Kick!!
Est lifts up David "The Wall" Parker from behind
and throws him backwards performing a violent Back Suplex!!
Est jumps on the top turnbuckle raising an arm to the sky
David "The Wall" Parker suddenly shifts dodging the a Diving Elbow Drop taking the initiative
David "The Wall" Parker gets on the top turnbuckle raising his fists held together
and jumps toward Est quickly lowering them, performing a strong Double Axe Handle!!
David "The Wall" Parker gets on the top turnbuckle with a jump and raises his fists to the sky holding them together
and jumps toward Est quickly lowering them, performing a violent Double Axe Handle!!
David "The Wall" Parker gets on the top turnbuckle with a jump and raises his fists to the sky holding them together
and throws himself toward Est hitting him with a strong Double Axe Handle!!
David "The Wall" Parker tries a pinning maneuver
Referee starts counting...
INCREDIBLE!!! EST a breaks the count by pulling the referee shirt!!
Est lifts David "The Wall" Parker on his shoulders
and slams him on the mat executing powerful The Darkness Falls!!
Est tries a pinning maneuver
Referee starts counting...

(JS) - Pierwsza walka i porażka, ale walka była bardzo dobra. Gdyby nie to, że Est ratował się pociągając sędziego za koszulkę. Mam nadzieję, że pokaże klasę w walce o pas Cruiserweight na nadchodzącym PPV.
(MA) - Teraz jednak odłóżmy wszystkie inne sprawy na bok! Czeka nas walka wieczoru, SKF vs. Clairvoyant. LMS o pas mistrzowski PPWF!

Ring Announcer: "The following contest is for the PPWF Championship and it's the Last Man Standing Match! There are no pinfalls, no disqualification and no submission! The only way to win is to incapacitate your opponent to the point they�re unable to answer the count of ten!"
Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, He can see the future, but still never won in a lottery. He is the modern answer for a greek oracles. He's... Clairvoyant"!
lights go out and sound of thunders can be heard
a clip is aired on the titan tron, showing clairvoyant's rise to power, the song is "reqiuem for a dream"
Clairvoyant makes his way to the ring
wearing a black wrestling costume and a black leather coat, with his baseball bat in his hand
four white lightnings hit the ringposts, than lights goes back again and clairvoyant is already in the ring
Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, Senior Konrad Fuentez"!
Senior Konrad Fuentez makes his way to the ring
two Pyrotechnics red and blue, blow at each corner of the ring
Clairvoyant executes a backflip standing next to the lying opponent
and lands on him splashing him with a violent Standing Moonsault well executed!!!
Clairvoyant grabs Senior Konrad Fuentez from behind
and turns over Senior Konrad Fuentez with great mastery, performing a powerful Time Machine!!
Clairvoyant executes a backflip standing next to the lying opponent
and lands on him splashing him with a violent Back To The Future!!
Senior Konrad Fuentez dives into Clairvoyant with a clothesline
knocking him down executing a violent 3 Point Stance Charge!!
Senior Konrad Fuentez grabs Clairvoyant's hair
Senior Konrad Fuentez puts Clairvoyant's head between the legs and lifts him
and slams him on the ground executing a devastating Fuentez Triple Powerbomb!!
The match cannot end with a pin fall
Clairvoyant jumps towards Senior Konrad Fuentez
and kicks him with dropkick, one leg in the throath and second in the groin executing LEGENDARY Predicted Nightmare!!
Clairvoyant knocks Senior Konrad Fuentez down
Senior Konrad Fuentez is lying on the mat!!!
referee starts the count!
Referee: "Oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!"
Referee: "Twooooooooooooooooo!!!"
Referee: "Threeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!"
Referee: "Foooooooooooooooour!!!"
Referee: "Fiveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!"
Referee: "Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiix!!!"
Referee: "Seveeeeeeeeeeeeeeen!!!"
Referee: "Eiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh!!!"
Referee: "Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine!!!"
Senior Konrad Fuentez gets up!!
Clairvoyant takes his opponent's head and arms
to twist his opponent's body by performing a light Eastern Stretch!!
Clairvoyant keeps his weak submission hold
Senior Konrad Fuentez can't resist anymore and taps out!!
the match cannot end with a submission!
Clairvoyant keeps his weak submission hold
Senior Konrad Fuentez can't resist anymore and taps out!!
the match cannot end with a submission!
Clairvoyant releases his grasp
Clairvoyant grabs Senior Konrad Fuentez's hair
Clairvoyant grabs Senior Konrad Fuentez by his arm
and falls down with strong Falling Arm Breaker!!
Clairvoyant knocks Senior Konrad Fuentez down
Senior Konrad Fuentez is lying on the mat!!!
referee starts the count!
Referee: "Oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!"
Referee: "Twooooooooooooooooo!!!"
Referee: "Threeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!"
Referee: "Foooooooooooooooour!!!"
Referee: "Fiveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!"
Referee: "Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiix!!!"
Referee: "Seveeeeeeeeeeeeeeen!!!"
Referee: "Eiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh!!!"
Referee: "Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine!!!"
Referee: "TEEEN! OUT! Ring the Bell! Ring the Bell!!!!"

(JS) - Można powiedzięc "pas wraca do właściciela". Clairvoyant był mistrzem bardzo długo, i teraz z pewnością spróbuje być jeszcze dłużej.
(MA) - Tak jest, oby ta "kadencja" była bardziej obfita w obrony, bo poprzednia była rzeczywiście bardzo statyczna.
(JS) - Pożyjemy, zobaczymy! Tymczasem żegnamy się z państwem i do zobaczenia we wtorek!

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