Autor Wiadomość
PostWysłany: Śro 20:05, 11 Cze 2008    Temat postu: RoD (8) - RAPORT!

Pojemnosć : 36.300
Bilety sprzedane : 36.300

(MA) - Witamy państwa na kolejnej gali RoD! Jak zawsze komentują dla państwa John Squash
(JS) - I Martin McAndrews. Witaj Martin, witam widzów przed telewizorami! Gala zapowiada się wyśmienicie, rozpoczniemy ją od pojedynku Shawna „Showstoppera” Michaelsa. Panują plotki, że Shawn aby dołączyć do międzynarodowej federacji będzie musiał zmienić nick name, aby nie łamać praw WWE.
(MA) - Tak jest, i powiem ci więcej - to nie tylko plotki, lecz jest to fakt. Ale pomińmy teraz sprawy nie dotyczące dzisiejszej gali. Shawn ma dzisiaj dwa pojedynki, z czego jeden o pas Cruiserweight. Jak oceniasz jego szanse na obronę?
(JS) - Ja myślę, że na razie mało kto jest w stanie toczyć wyrównany pojedynek z Shawnem. Przejdźmy teraz do pierwszego pojedynku, Shawn „Showstopper” Michaels kontra Iron Bull.


Ring Announcer: "The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!"
Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, Iron Bull"!
Iron Bull makes his way to the ring
Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, standing at 6ft tall, weight in at 264 lb, the Polish, undeafeted Submission Machine - Shawn "Showstopper" Michaels, "!
shawn "showstopper" michaels comes out from backstage.
driving a flaming red ferrari 360 modena.
Shawn "Showstopper" Michaels makes his way to the ring
wearing long flamed pants and T-Shirt with DX logo.
red carpet is laying on the ramp. from titan tron flash many coloured pyrotechnics.
on 4 turnbuckles explodes fire. two big white lights hits scene, other one is following wrestler.
Shawn "Showstopper" Michaels grabs his opponent's hips
and perpendicularly throws him with a strong Gutwrench Suplex!!
Shawn "Showstopper" Michaels grabs his opponent's arm while he's laying on his back
and then capsizes his rival's body while pulling his arm, performing a light Strangle Hold!!
Shawn "Showstopper" Michaels keeps his ruthless submission hold
Shawn "Showstopper" Michaels keeps his ruthless submission hold
Shawn "Showstopper" Michaels releases his grasp
Shawn "Showstopper" Michaels grabs Iron Bull's head
forcing Iron Bull to dive onto his head with a strong DDT!!
Shawn "Showstopper" Michaels grabs one Iron Bull 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well
Shawn "Showstopper" Michaels locks opponent head with front facelock falls Iron Bull backwards
and slams Iron Bull on the mat pinning him executing devastating Own3d Bro!!
Referee starts counting...
Iron Bull kicks out
Shawn "Showstopper" Michaels folds Iron Bull's leg against his calf
and grabs his ankle, squeezing it violently performing a light Reverse Achilles Lock!!
Shawn "Showstopper" Michaels keeps his weak submission hold
Iron Bull can't resist anymore and taps out!!

(JS) - Ta walka tylko potwierdziła moje słowa - w tej chwili Shawn jest w wyśmienitej formie i myślę, że jeszcze przez dłuższy czas będzie w stanie bronić swój pas.
(MA) - Tak jest John, Shawn zmiażdżył Iron Bull’a, jego rywal nie miał nic do powiedzenia. Wracając do Shawna to mam dla państwa ekskluzywny wywiad z wrestlerem The Wrestling Asylum przeprowadzony wczoraj po przybiciu PPWF na galę RoD.

(MA) - Witam państwa, z nami wrestler The Wrestling Asylum i obecny PPWF Champion, Clairvoyant.
- Witaj Mart.
(MA) - Mam do ciebie jedno ważne pytanie. Zapewne wiesz o chęci dołączenia Shawna do twojego posteru. Czy możesz nam uchylić rąbka tajemnicy i zdradzić niektóre tajemnice negocjacji między obiema stronami?
- Wiem niewiele więcej niż sam Shawn, to że musi zapłacić za zmianę nick name’u jest wiadome od początku. Na razie jest to chyba jedyna przeszkoda przed dołączeniem Shawna do Wretling Asylum. Nic o rozważanych zmianach mi nie wiadomo, gdy Shawn uzna za stosowne prawdopodobnie powiadomi nas oficjalnie o nowym nick’u i prawdopodobnie zmianie gimmicku.
(MA) - Dziękuję za wywiad i do zobaczenia na jutrzejszej gali RoD.

(JS) - Widzę, że jesteś dumny z tego wywiadu.
(MA) - Nie przesadzaj John. Każdy z pewnością chciał wiedzieć co będzie z jednym z wrestlerów PPWF. Tymczasem szykuje się ciekawy pojedynek w kontekście dzisiejszego Main Eventu - The Polish Killer podejmie marcinpl’a.


Ring Announcer: "The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!"
Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, marcinpl"!
marcinpl makes his way to the ring
Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, The Polish Killer"!
The Polish Killer makes his way to the ring
The Polish Killer pulls marcinpl still groggy, by his hair
The Polish Killer loads his opponent on his shoulders
and lets himself fall on his back, executing a powerful Modified Samoan Drop!!
The Polish Killer grabs the head of the dumped opponent in front of himself with both the hands
and raises him and nobbles marcinpl down with the head on the ground executing a violent Modified Two Handed Face Buster!!
The Polish Killer holds opponent in belly-to-belly position
and slams opponent on the mat head first executing devastating Tombstone Piledriver!!
The Polish Killer grabs marcinpl's neck
and crashes him to the ground making him whirl performing a strong Falling Neck Breaker!!
The Polish Killer strangles marcinpl by encircling marcinpl's neck
and one arm with the legs in a configuration similar to the shape of a triangle holds marcinpl to subission executing strong Triangle Choke!!
The Polish Killer keeps his weak submission hold
marcinpl escapes from the hold
The Polish Killer gets besides the laying opponent
and strikes his forehead with a violent Knee Stomp!!
The Polish Killer strangles marcinpl by encircling marcinpl's neck
and one arm with the legs in a configuration similar to the shape of a triangle holds marcinpl to subission executing light Triangle Choke!!
marcinpl escapes from the hold
marcinpl watches his opponent laying on the mat
and steps on his back with both feet performing a violent Walk on Back!!
The Polish Killer gains speed bouncing against the ropes
and runs toward marcinpl knocking him down with a violent Rope Drop Clothesline!!
The Polish Killer grabs marcinpl's hair
The Polish Killer grabs marcinpl's head
falling backward slamming marcinpl's head into the mat with a violent DDT!!
The Polish Killer gets on the top turnbuckle raising his fists held together
and leaps toward marcinpl quickly lowering them, performing a violent Double Axe Handle!!
The Polish Killer tries a pinning maneuver
Referee starts counting...
marcinpl kicks out
marcinpl lifts his opponent on his shoulders
and throws himself backward crushing him on the ground, connecting with a devastating Samoan Drop!!
The Polish Killer runs toward marcinpl grasping his head
and drives him down to the ground performing a violent Running DDT!!
The Polish Killer gets on the top turnbuckle
and dives, landing with his belly on marcinpl with a powerful Body Splash!!
Referee starts counting...

(JS) - Piękny, wyrównany pojedynek. Może być ostrzeżeniem dla Shawna przed dzisiejszą walką o obronę pasa Cruiserweight.
(MA) - Nie jestem tego taki pewny jak ty, John. Shawn to zupełnie inny typ wrestlera, ma zdecydowanie inny zasób chwytów, potrafi wygrać walkę poprzez submission hold, jak i poprzez niszczący atak.
(JS) - Tak czy inaczej szykuje się nam ciekawy pojedynek. marcinpl na pewno nie podda się tak łatwo i będzie chciał być No1 Contenderem na Title Night PPV.
(MA) - Dość gadania o pasie Cruiserweight, pora wrócić do dzisiejszego wieczoru. Teraz czeka nas emocjonująca walka - Casket Match pomiedzy Clairvoyantem i michem.


Ring Announcer: "The following contest is the Casket Match! In this contest, there are no pinfalls, no submission and no disqualification, the only way to win is to lock your opponent inside the casket!"
Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, michu619"!
michu619 makes his way to the ring
Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, He can see the future, but still never won in a lottery. He is the modern answer for a greek oracles. He's... Clairvoyant"!
lights go out and sound of thunders can be heard
a clip is aired on the titan tron, showing clairvoyant's rise to power, the song is "reqiuem for a dream"
Clairvoyant makes his way to the ring
wearing a black wrestling costume and a black leather coat, with his baseball bat in his hand
four white lightnings hit the ringposts, than lights goes back again and clairvoyant is already in the ring
Clairvoyant grabs a barbed wire bat
and hits michu619 forehead executing a violent barbed wire bat shot!!
Clairvoyant executes a backflip standing next to the lying opponent
and lands on him splashing him with a violent Back To The Future well executed!!!
michu619 puts his rival's head beneath his arm hooking him by his leg
crashing his head on the ground after lifting him up performing a devastating Fisherman DDT!!
Clairvoyant leaps up executing a somersault, pointing at his opponent lying across the ring
and lands on him splashing him with a powerful Back To The Future well executed!!!
michu619 grabs his opponent
and crushes his head on the ground to perform an violent Inverted DDT!!
michu619 approaches his laying opponent
and hits him executing a violent Knee Stomp!!
michu619 grabs a barbed wire bat
and hits Clairvoyant skull executing a devastating barbed wire bat shot!!
michu619 puts his rival's head beneath his arm hooking him by his leg
lifting him up and making him fall to the ground head first performing a devastating Fisherman DDT!!
michu619 approaches the coffin, dragging Clairvoyant to the ring apron
rolls Clairvoyant into the coffin
michu619 grabs the coffin lid
Clairvoyant hits michu619 with the casket pillow getting back to the ring
michu619 gets out of the ring grabbing a monitor from the announcer's table
and hits Clairvoyant skull executing a devastating monitor shot!!
[Special Submission activated for michu619]
michu619 approaches his laying opponent
and strikes his forehead with a violent Knee Stomp!!
michu619 is about to perform his taunt
michu619 executing The 619
michu619 approaches the coffin, dragging Clairvoyant to the ring apron
rolls Clairvoyant into the coffin
michu619 grabs the coffin lid
michu619 slams it violently
locking the opponent inside!!!!!
michu619 grabs a jerry can under the ring!!!!
and spreads the gas on the coffin asking a fan for a lighter!!!
5 the security men make their way to the stage to extinguish the fire!
while michu619 is calmly walking on the alley taunting after the victory!!

(MA) - NIEWIARYGODNE! Michu619 podpala trumnę w której spoczywa mistrz PPWF! To może być niebezpieczne!
(JS) - Mam nadzieję, że nic mu się nie stanie. Wygląda na to, że ochrona już opanowała sytuację. Clairvoyant został zniesiony na noszach na backstage.
(MA) - Pamiętajmy, że dzisiaj czeka go jeszcze jedna ekstremalna walka - Buried Alive z Capoeristą. Oby do tego czasu Clairvoyant się pozbierał. Tymczasem czeka nas walka Seniora Konrada Fuenteza z Lukasem Stanczakiem.


Ring Announcer: "The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!"
Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, Senior Konrad Fuentez"!
Senior Konrad Fuentez makes his way to the ring
two Pyrotechnics red and blue, blow at each corner of the ring
Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, "The Chosen One Lukas Stanczak" "!
it seems like a thunder has just stroke!
Suddenly high flames light on, as though the �Tron was set to fire!
Lukas Stanczak makes his way to the ring
wearing black jacket with black sun glasses, slowly makes his way to the ring, looking around the arena, demending respect that he thinks he deserves
driving a flaming red Ferrari 360 Modena
with his lover who kisses him burning with passion
Four lightnings hit the ringposts
Senior Konrad Fuentez lifts his opponent, holding him horizontally against himself
and dumps him overhead, by falling backward, connecting with a violent Super Fallaway Slam!!
Lukas Stanczak puts his opponent on his shoulders
and throws himself backward, trampling him with violent Death In Polish Style!!
Senior Konrad Fuentez dives into Lukas Stanczak with a clothesline
knocking him down executing a powerful Steam Engine!!
Senior Konrad Fuentez lifts his rival up easily, so he's horizontal across his body
and dumps him overhead, by falling backward, connecting with a devastating Sweet Aloha!!
Lukas Stanczak gets besides the laying opponent
and strikes his forehead with a powerful Knee Stomp!!
Lukas Stanczak lifts his opponent's leg
and lets himself fall over it with a violent Elbow drop to inner thigh!!
Lukas Stanczak pulls Senior Konrad Fuentez still groggy, by his hair
Lukas Stanczak Looks at his opponent with rage in his eyes lift him up
and crush him on the mat executing LEGENDARY Lion's Heart!!
Senior Konrad Fuentez pulls himself together and fights back
Senior Konrad Fuentez stares at Lukas Stanczak in front of him
and gives him an light Ear Slap!!
Senior Konrad Fuentez dives into Lukas Stanczak with a powerful clothesline
knocking him down!!
Senior Konrad Fuentez grabs opponents neck, put him high in the air
and throws him down to the ground executing LEGENDARY Super Seller!!
Referee starts counting...

(JS) - To była rewelacyjna walka! Warte podziwu jest już to, że Fuentez pozbierał się po tym Lion’s Hart, lecz niewiarygodne było już to, że miał siłę na wykonanie Super Sellera.
(MA) - To prawda! To była jedna z najlepszych walk w historii PPWF. John, co się dzieje na ringu?!

[Z głośników dobiega entrance song Est’a, który wchodzi na ring z mikrofonem w ręku.]
- Jestem lekko podirytowany ilością moich walk w PPWF. Mam już tego pomału dość. Przecież takie postępowanie nie opłaca się żadnej ze stron. PPWF musi mi płacić pieniądze, a ja nic za to nie robię. Gdybym był chciwy, to nic bym nie mówił. Ale ja chcę walczyć! Nie chcę siedzieć na backstage’u. MAM JUŻ TEGO DOŚĆ!!!!
[Na ring wchodzi GM RoD - Lukas Stanczak.]
- Nie unoś się tak, chłopie… Skoro chcesz walczyć to dorga wolna. Jeżeli są chętni do walki z Est’em, proszeni są o natychmiastowe wyjście na ring!
[Długo nic się nie dzieje, Lukas patrzy wymownie na Est’a. Nagle hale wypełniły gromie okrzyki aprobaty. Obaj stojący na ringu wrestlerzy popatrzyli na rampę. Stał tam Shawn „Showstopper” Michaels.]
- Kogo ja widzę… Est… Czy ty nie pomyliłeś czasem hali?? Tu nie gramy w siatkówkę, tu walczymy.
- Za kogo ty się uważasz?! Myślisz, że twój pas upoważnia cię do ubliżania innym?
- Hej, chłopie opanuj się… Masz ciężki dzień, czy co? Przychodzisz tu jakbyś był niewiadomo kim, drzesz się, że mało ci walk i pyskujesz do mistrza. Skoro jesteś taki mocny w gębie to właśnie znalazłem ci rywala - SIEBIE!
- A więc gotowe! [ Do konwersacji włącza się Lukas Stanczak.] Za chwilę zmierzycie się jeden na jednego w… w Submission Matchu! A zaraz po tej walce ja sam zmierzę się w rewanżu z Fuentezem…
[Opuszcza ring pozostawiając wściekłego Esta w ringu. Shawn wzrusza ramionami i opuszcza ring zaraz po Lukasie.]

(JS) - A więc Est powraca na ring PPWF i od razu podejmie mistrza Cruiserweight! Będzie się działo!
(MA) - Mimo różnicy w sile stawiałbym raczej na Shawna, ponieważ Est ma gorszy, prawie zerowy zasób submission holdów. Przejdźmy więc do walki - Est kotra Shawn „Sowstopper” Michaels.


Ring Announcer: "The following contest is the Submission Match! There are no pinfalls and no disqualification! The only way to win is by submission!"
Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, standing at 6ft tall, weight in at 264 lb, the Polish, undeafeted Submission Machine - Shawn "Showstopper" Michaels "!
shawn "showstopper" michaels comes out from backstage.
driving a flaming red ferrari 360 modena.
Shawn "Showstopper" Michaels makes his way to the ring
wearing long flamed pants and T-Shirt with DX logo.
red carpet is laying on the ramp. from titan tron flash many coloured pyrotechnics.
on 4 turnbuckles explodes fire. two big white lights hits scene, other one is following wrestler.
Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, Est"!
Est makes his way to the ring
Est approaches his opponent, getting in close range,
extends his arm out from the side of the body and parallel to the ground, knocking over him while running by with a violent Standing Clothesline!!
Est puts his opponent on his shoulders
and lets himself fall on his back, executing a devastating Modified Samoan Drop!!
Est approaches his laying opponent
and hits him executing a violent Knee Stomp!!
Shawn "Showstopper" Michaels pulls Est still groggy, by his hair
Shawn "Showstopper" Michaels loads his opponent on his shoulders
and throws himself backward crushing him on the ground, connecting with a powerful Modified Samoan Drop!!
Shawn "Showstopper" Michaels retrieves a lead pipe from under the ring
and hits Est skull executing a devastating lead pipe shot!!
Est grabs Shawn "Showstopper" Michaels's head
forcing Shawn "Showstopper" Michaels to dive onto his head with a violent DDT!!
Est swings his leg
executing a violent Kick to Back!!
Est lifts Shawn "Showstopper" Michaels on his shoulders
and slams him on the mat executing powerful The Darkness Falls!!
Shawn "Showstopper" Michaels blocks one of his opponent's legs locking it between his thighs
lays on top of Est's back and locks his arms around Est's head. The wrestler then pulls back stretching Est's back and neck, submitting him with a light STF!!
Shawn "Showstopper" Michaels keeps his weak submission hold
Est reaches for a rope and grabs it!!
Shawn "Showstopper" Michaels releases his grasp
Shawn "Showstopper" Michaels is about to perform his taunt
Shawn "Showstopper" Michaels executing An Sexy Boy
Shawn "Showstopper" Michaels taunts in turnbuckle with five stomps following by counting of the audience
then slams opponent on the mat hitting Est chin with Super Kick executing devastating Sweet Chin Music!!
Shawn "Showstopper" Michaels knocks Est down
Shawn "Showstopper" Michaels grabs his rival's fist
to twist it by performing a light Fist Lock!!
Shawn "Showstopper" Michaels keeps his weak submission hold
Est can't resist anymore and taps out!!

(MA) - Piękny pojedynek, w którym spryt wygrał z bestialską siłą! Est może śmiało pluć sobie w brodę, że tak porywczo zdecydował się na walkę.
(JS) - Tak jest, będzie miał nauczkę by precyzyjniej formułować swoje życzenia bo w One Fall Matchu faworytem byłby jednak Est.


Ring Announcer: "The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!"
Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, "The Chosen One Lukas Stanczak" "!
it seems like a thunder has just stroke!
Suddenly high flames light on, as though the ‘Tron was set to fire!
Lukas Stanczak makes his way to the ring
wearing black jacket with black sun glasses, slowly makes his way to the ring, looking around the arena, demending respect that he thinks he deserves
driving a flaming red Ferrari 360 Modena
with his lover who kisses him burning with passion
Four lightnings hit the ringposts
Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, Senior Konrad Fuentez"!
Senior Konrad Fuentez makes his way to the ring
two Pyrotechnics red and blue, blow at each corner of the ring
Lukas Stanczak pulls Senior Konrad Fuentez still groggy, by his hair
Lukas Stanczak loads his opponent on his shoulders
and throws himself backward crushing him on the ground, connecting with a devastating Death In Polish Style!!
Lukas Stanczak grabs Senior Konrad Fuentez's hair
Lukas Stanczak grasps Senior Konrad Fuentez by his belly and lifts him up on his own shoulder
and slams him down on the ground making him fall forward, performing a devastating Modified Reverse Powerslam!!
Senior Konrad Fuentez dives into Lukas Stanczak with a powerful clothesline
knocking him down executing a violent Steam Engine!!
Lukas Stanczak prepares himself behind Senior Konrad Fuentez grasping his arms,
and after lifting him he slams his rival to the ground face first performing a violent Full Nelson Face Drop!!
Senior Konrad Fuentez lifts his opponent onto his shoulders in what looks like a torture rack
then he falls to his knees, while pulling down on Lukas Stanczaks shoulders executing a powerful Derailer!!
Lukas Stanczak grabs Senior Konrad Fuentez raising him high
and drops him violently on an extended performing an violent Atomic Drop!!
Lukas Stanczak grabs Senior Konrad Fuentez's hair
Lukas Stanczak and lunges himself on the ropes
Lukas Stanczak prepares to strikes the adversary that is running against him
joining his fists and hitting him on the face with a powerful Modified Polish Hammer!!
Lukas Stanczak jumps on the turnbuckle
throwing himself towards the rival hitting him with an arm executing a violent Flying Clothesline!!
Senior Konrad Fuentez loads his opponent on his shoulders
and throws himself backward, trampling him with devastating Samoan Drop!!
Lukas Stanczak lifts his opponent on his shoulders
and throws himself backward, trampling him with devastating Samoan Drop!!
Senior Konrad Fuentez lifts his opponent above the shoulder
and lets him fall, striking his shoulder with his knee, executing a violent Shoulder Breaker Thrust!!
Senior Konrad Fuentez gets above his laying opponent
and lets himself fall on the rival's chest, performing a powerful Hip Press!!
Senior Konrad Fuentez approaches the rival laying on the ground
falling on his rival with an headbutt performing violent Falling Headbutt!!
Lukas Stanczak Looks at his opponent with rage in his eyes lift him up
and crush him on the mat executing LEGENDARY Lion's Heart!!
Lukas Stanczak tries a pinning maneuver
Referee starts counting...
Senior Konrad Fuentez gets up and resolutely fights back
Lukas Stanczak charges his arm
and hits him with a violent Elbow Smash instead!!
Senior Konrad Fuentez tries to hit his opponent with a punch, but he apparently fails
and strikes his opponent with a violent Elbow Smash!!
Senior Konrad Fuentez grabs opponents neck, put him high in the air
Lukas Stanczak somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!!
Lukas Stanczak Grabs his rival's neck
and with a 90° rotation lets him fall, performing a violent Sambo Suplex!!
Lukas Stanczak leaps towards his grounded opponent
and squeeze him between his belly and the ring mat with a devastating Splash!!
Lukas Stanczak gets on the top turnbuckle with a jump and raises his fists to the sky holding them together
and jumps toward Senior Konrad Fuentez quickly lowering them, performing a devastating Double Axe Handle!!
Lukas Stanczak tries a pinning maneuver
Referee starts counting...

(JS) - Udany rewanż Lukasa! Jednak teraz może być jeszcze ciekawiej. Czy Clairvoyant będzie miał tyle sił, aby zakopać „na żywca” Capoeristę?
(MA) - Sądzę, że po dzisiejszym Casket Matchu raczej nie. Ale to się okaże podczas walki.


Ring Announcer: "The following contest is the Buried Alive Match! The only way to win is to put your opponent inside the hole, activate the shovel and cover the hole with dirt, burying him alive!"
Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, Clairvoyant"!
it seems like a thunder has just stroke!
A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestler�s greatest victories and most powerful moves
Clairvoyant makes his way to the ring
Four lightnings hit the ringposts
Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, Capoerista"!
it seems like a thunder has just stroke!
Capoerista makes his way to the ring
Capoerista hooks Clairvoyant's legs who's laying prone on the mat
and subdues him with a strong Polish Crab!!
Capoerista keeps his excruciating submission hold
Capoerista keeps his ruthless submission hold
Capoerista releases his grasp
Capoerista grabs an heavy extinguisher
and hits Clairvoyant forehead executing a devastating extinguisher shot!!
Capoerista pulls Clairvoyant still groggy, by his hair
Capoerista loads his opponent on his shoulders
and throws himself backward crushing him on the ground, connecting with a violent Modified Samoan Drop!!
Clairvoyant lifts his opponent's leg
and lets himself fall over it with a violent Elbow drop to inner thigh!!
Capoerista puts Clairvoyant's head under his arm
and grabbing his hip, raises him throwing him forward performing a violent Reverse Suplex!!
Clairvoyant grabs Capoerista by his arm
and falling down performs a devastating Tomorrow Is Today on his rival's arm!!
Clairvoyant gets on the rope and jumps towards his opponent
to hit his opponent with a violent West Coast Pop!!
The match cannot end with a pin fall
Capoerista hooks Clairvoyant's legs who's laying prone on the mat
and subdues him with a violent Polish Crab!!
Capoerista keeps his ruthless submission hold
Capoerista keeps his weak submission hold
Clairvoyant suddenly shifts dodging the a Diving Headbutt, taking the initiative
Clairvoyant gets on the top turnbuckle with a jump, and dives toward Capoerista with legs apart
and grasps him at the head throwing him to the mat with a backflip, performing a violent Diving Hurracanrana!!
Capoerista turns against the adversary
and kicks him with a violent Mule Kick!!!
Capoerista gets on the top turnbuckle with a jump and raises his fists to the sky holding them together
and leaps toward Clairvoyant quickly lowering them, performing a powerful Double Axe Handle!!
Capoerista carries Clairvoyant out of the ring
Capoerista pushes Clairvoyant close to the hole
Capoerista throws Clairvoyant in the hole
Capoerista gets on the bulldozer
and activates the shovel, covering the pit with tons of dirt, BURYING Clairvoyant ALIVE!!
[Podczas zakopywania Claira za plecami Capoeristy pojawił się michu619 z krzesłem w ręku.]

(MA) - To mogła być wiadomość do Capoeristy. Zobaczymy jak rozwinie się ten konflikt na kolejnym RoD. Co myślisz o walce, John?
(JS) - Fatalny wieczór dla mistrza PPWF. Doznał dwóch bolesnych porażek a podczas jednej mógł doznać poważnych poparzeń, gdy michu619 podpałił trumnę.
(MA) - Tak jest, było to bardzo nierozważne, ciekawe czy zostaną wyciągnięte wobec micha jakieś poważniejsze konsekwencje.
(JS) - Jednak teraz interesuje nas coś innego, bowiem dotrwaliśmy do Main Eventu!


Ring Announcer: "The following contest is scheduled for one fal land it’s for the PPWF CRUISERWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP!!!"
Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, marcinpl"!
marcinpl makes his way to the ring
Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, standing at 6ft tall, weight in at 264 lb, the Polish, undeafeted Submission Machine - Shawn "Showstopper" Michaels "!
shawn "showstopper" michaels comes out from backstage.
driving a flaming red ferrari 360 modena.
Shawn "Showstopper" Michaels makes his way to the ring
wearing long flamed pants and T-Shirt with DX logo.
red carpet is laying on the ramp. from titan tron flash many coloured pyrotechnics.
on 4 turnbuckles explodes fire. two big white lights hits scene, other one is following wrestler.
Shawn "Showstopper" Michaels folds marcinpl's leg against his calf
and grabs his ankle, squeezing it violently performing a light Modified Reverse Achilles Lock!!
Shawn "Showstopper" Michaels keeps his ruthless submission hold
Shawn "Showstopper" Michaels keeps his ruthless submission hold
Shawn "Showstopper" Michaels releases his grasp
Shawn "Showstopper" Michaels grabs his opponent's wrist and sits down on his back
then he grabs the other one too crossing them under the chin to press with a light Goku-Raku Stretch!!
Shawn "Showstopper" Michaels keeps his ruthless submission hold
marcinpl escapes from the hold
Shawn "Showstopper" Michaels grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes
Shawn "Showstopper" Michaels take's down running opponent then strangles marcinpl neck
and locks head in strong Head Lock executing light No Way Out!!
Shawn "Showstopper" Michaels keeps his weak submission hold
Shawn "Showstopper" Michaels keeps his weak submission hold
marcinpl clutches with both hands the rival's head
and throws him to the ground performing a violent Mat Slam!!
marcinpl watches his opponent on the mat
and steps quickly on his back with both feet performing a violent Walk on Back!!
Shawn "Showstopper" Michaels grabs one marcinpl 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well
Shawn "Showstopper" Michaels locks opponent head with front facelock falls marcinpl backwards
and slams marcinpl on the mat pinning him executing devastating Own3d Bro!!
Referee starts counting...
marcinpl gets up and resolutely fights back
Shawn "Showstopper" Michaels taunts in turnbuckle with five stomps following by counting of the audience
then slams opponent on the mat hitting marcinpl chin with Super Kick executing devastating Sweet Chin Music!!
Shawn "Showstopper" Michaels gets on the top turnbuckle raising his fists held together
and jumps toward marcinpl quickly lowering them, performing a violent Double Axe Handle!!
Shawn "Showstopper" Michaels tries a pinning maneuver
Referee starts counting...

(JS) - A więc Shawn obronił swój pas i prawdopodobnie będzie bronił go na PAST SINS PPV.
(MA) - To tyle na dzisiaj, żegnają się z państwem John Squash…
(JS) - I Martin McAndrews! Do zobaczenia za tydzień!

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