thepolishkiller |
Wysłany: Śro 21:16, 22 Paź 2008 Temat postu: RoD 26. |
(JS) - Witamy państwa z kolejnej gali RoD; już ostatniej przed długo wyczekiwaną premierą Title Night PPV.
(MA) - Dla przypomnienia no kolejnym PPV zostaną postawione na szali WSZYSTKIE pasy mistrzowskie, uzupełnione kilkoma specjalnymi walkami na zasadach hardcore.
(JS) - Niewątpliwie debiut Title Night będzie niezwykłym wydarzeniem.
(MA) - A wracjąc do RoD, to po raz kolejny nie znamy składu Main Eventu dzisiejszej gali.
(JS) - A w walce Tom_dopalacz vs. Lukas Stanczak nie znamy rodzaju walki. Widać, że The Polish Killer chce nas trzymać w niepewności do końca i nie pozwolił podać pełnej karty.
(MA) - Karta kartą, wiemy na pewno kto rozpocznie dzisiejszą galę.
This is 10% luck,
20% skill,
15% concentrated power of will,
5% pleasure, 50% pain
and 100% reason to remember the name
- Z tego co wiem, na Title Night ciągle nie została wyznaczona walka o PPWF Championship.
Krótka pauza, brak jakiejś znaczącej reakcji od publiki.
- Tak zostać nie może, więc przychodzę tutaj jako jedyny słuszny pretendent to tytułu. Jeśli mam się z kimś zmierzyć by udowodnić moją dominację - nie ma sprawy.
Full moon light is calling me, My kigndom lies within...
Z za rogu wychyla się postać Konrada Fuenteza, ubrany jest w czarną marynarkę i czarne spodnie w kant, do tego czarne błyszczące buty od Dr. Martensa.
Born to teach them all to heel, Born of Black wind fire and Steel
Fuentez zatrzymuje się przy zejściu z paltformy, światło przygasa, nagle z za rozłożonych rąk w pełnej ciemności buchają dwa wielkie słupy ognia!
- A kim ty niby jesteś?
- Aaa… Skądś kojarzę twoją pożal się Boże facjatę… Czy to nie ty wszedłeś głęboko Polish Killerowi żeby odzyskać swój, jak to nazwałeś „należny title shot”? I czy to nie Ciebie na Doom’s Day zlał Clairvoyant? Tego jedynego, słusznego No. 1 Contendera. Czekaj, czekaj… Ile trwała ta walka? Dwie minuty? Nie wiem, nie pamiętam. Była tak nudna, że zasnąłem.
- Tak, tak. Powiedziałem DOKŁADNIE to, co słyszeliście. Zasnąłem. Ale obiecuję, że nie dopuszczę, aby na Title Night się to powtórzyło.
- Hej, hej, hej! Spuść trochę z tonu. Nie obchodzą mnie twoje gorzkie żale. Nie dałeś rady mnie pokonać i straciłeś swoją szansę.
- Chciałby zaznaczyć, że to JA pierwszy Cię pokonałem. Dopiero później wrócił ten ważniak a ty poleciałeś jak piesek z gazetą i w efekcie wyszło tak jak wyszło. Nikt nie mógł nic zrobić. Ale to…
SKF rozgląda się zdenerwowany poszukując przyczyny heatu. Po chwili spostrzega, że od kilkunastu sekund na Titan Tronie widniej postać Lukasa Stanczaka.
- Widzę, że dobrze się bawicie. Ciekawa konwersacja, jednak trochę mnie już mdli na wasz widok. Ciągły płacz, ciągłe żebranie o title shota i nic poza tym.
- Zdobywacie tego title shota a potem, jak powiedziałem tydzień temu - padacie jak muchy. PUSTE SŁOWA! Pieprzycie od rzeczy, jacy to jesteście świetni. W końcu wymęczacie swojego title shota. I co?... Właśnie, tutaj najważniejsze - I NIC!
- Podniecacie się, lecicie pochwalić się mamie i na tym się kończy. Każdy kolejny dostaje lanie, jakiego świat jeszcze nie widział. A tym czasem ja, The Chosen One, dostaję jednego title shota i co? I właśnie w tym momencie patrzycie na nowego PPWF Heavyweight Championa. Do tego ten Heavyweight Champion jest GM’em RoD i w tym momencie zarządzam abyście zweryfikowali swoje gówno warte umiejętności w walce pomiędzy sobą.
SKF wyraźnie zdenerwowany odwraca się i ściąga koszulkę gotowy do walki.
- Moment, moment. Ta walka nie odbędzie się teraz. Możecie iść zadzwonić do mamy i skonsultować taktykę na walkę z prababcią, będziecie walczyć kiedy ja wam powiem. A teraz won z tego ringu, zaraz zacznie się pierwsza walka.
N-N-Now tha-that don't kill me
Can only make me stronger...
Ring Announcer: "The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!"
Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, The Polish Killer"!
The Polish Killer makes his way to the ring
Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, Tony Hawk"!
Tony Hawk makes his way to the ring
Tony Hawk grabs his opponent's arm
and turns it submitting him performing a light Flipping Armbar!!
Tony Hawk keeps his ruthless submission hold
Tony Hawk keeps his excruciating submission hold
Tony Hawk releases his grasp
The Polish Killer lifts the rival holding him horizontally
falling on the ground throwing him backwards over his head with powerful Fallaway Slam!!
The Polish Killer gets on the top turnbuckle
and dives, landing with his belly on Tony Hawk with a violent Body Splash!!
Referee starts counting...
Tony Hawk kicks out
The Polish Killer grabs the head of the dumped opponent in front of himself with both the hands
and raises him and nobbles Tony Hawk down with the head on the ground executing a powerful Modified Two Handed Face Buster!!
Tony Hawk hooks his opponet's leg with his own legs
and twists it by trapping it with his own to perform an light Modified Indian Death Lock!!
Tony Hawk keeps his weak submission hold
Tony Hawk keeps his excruciating submission hold
Tony Hawk releases his grasp
The Polish Killer approaches his rival loading his arm
and executes a violent Throat Thrust hitting his opponent to the neck!!
The Polish Killer puts the rival's head under his own legs and brings him over the shouldres
making him fall with the face performing a devastating Modified Powerbomb to Facebuster!!
The Polish Killer pulls Tony Hawk still groggy, by his hair
The Polish Killer lifts Tony Hawk on his shoulders
and slams him on the mat executing Mortal Polish Powerbomb!!
The Polish Killer prepares his arm
performing a strong Punch!!
The Polish Killer jumps on the turnbuckle
throwing himself towards the rival hitting him with an arm executing a violent Flying Clothesline!!
The Polish Killer tries a pinning maneuver
Referee starts counting...
HP : The Polish Killer; Tony Hawk
Look, if you had one shot, or one opportunity
To seize everything you ever wanted-One moment
Would you capture it or just let it slip?
Ring Announcer: "The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!"
Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, Mr.Matthew"!
and many changing-coloured Pyrotechnics flash all the way on the Titan Tron
Mr.Matthew makes his way to the ring
Wearing T-Shirt of Polish footbal team
Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, Wolfstark"!
A drum roll is playing loud and clear
A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestler’s greatest victories and most powerful moves
Wolfstark makes his way to the ring
preceded by four druids wearing robes and carrying torches
a light shines over him on the ring
Mr.Matthew grabs his rival's legs
and blocks them in a very painful 4 shape position performing a light Figure 4!!
Mr.Matthew keeps his ruthless submission hold
Mr.Matthew keeps his excruciating submission hold
Mr.Matthew releases his grasp
Wolfstark grapples one of his opponent's arms
pulling it to make his rival's shoulder slam against his own, connecting with a powerful Wolf Punch!!
Wolfstark bounces against the ropes
and dives on Mr.Matthew with a devastating Wolf Pin!!
Referee starts counting...
Mr.Matthew gets up and resolutely fights back
Mr.Matthew grabs Wolfstark's arms and legs stretching them from behind
hooking the legs to his own legs, performing a light Mexican Stretch!!
Mr.Matthew keeps his excruciating submission hold
Mr.Matthew keeps his weak submission hold
Mr.Matthew releases his grasp
Wolfstark watches his opponent on the mat
and gets on his belly with both feet performing a violent Walk on Belly!!
Mr.Matthew grabs opponent choke lift's opponent high in the air
and slams him on the mat back first executing Mortal Matthew Damage!!
Mr.Matthew grabs Wolfstark's hair
Mr.Matthew grabs opponent head with both hand squeezing it
and holding to submission executing strong Vice Grip!!
Mr.Matthew keeps his ruthless submission hold
Mr.Matthew keeps his ruthless submission hold
Mr.Matthew releases his grasp
Mr.Matthew blocks his rival's legs
and blocks them in a very painful 4 shape position performing a light Figure 4!!
Mr.Matthew keeps his ruthless submission hold
Mr.Matthew keeps his ruthless submission hold
Mr.Matthew releases his grasp
Wolfstark is rising his hand and waits for his foe to stand up lifts him on his shoulders
and slams him on the mat executing devastating Last Promise!!
Referee starts counting...
Wolfstark tries a pinning maneuver
Referee starts counting...
HP : Wolfstark; Mr.Matthew
Po walce Wolfstark już miał zamiar schodzić z ringu, gdy nagle wszedł na niego z powrotem. Przekręcił leżącego na plecach Mr.Matthew i wykonał mu dwukrotnie Walk on Back. Następnie wykonał Banzai Drop poprzedzony Sit Down Powerbombem, skopał Matthew z ringu i wziął mikrofon.
- To był tylko bardzo okrojony pokaz moich możliwości. Pełen repertuar ciosów mam zamiar pokazać w walce na Title Night.
- Tak, tak. Dostałem dzisiaj zgodę na ujawnienie kolejnej walki przygotowanej na tą galę. A będzie to walka Wolfstark… vs… David „The Wall” Parker o PPWF Cruiserweight Championship.
Requiem for a Dream…
Na ring wchodzi David „The Wall” Parker, bierze mikrofon i przemawia chrapliwym głosem.
- Jaki z ciebie znowu Cruiserweight… Możesz walczyć co najwyżej o PPWF Big Ass Championship.
Twarz Wolfstarka wykrzywia uśmiech, zdradzający jednak iż jego nerwy są na wyczerpaniu. Rzuca się na The Wall’a z próbą Clothsline’a, ten jednak wykonuje mu Springboard Enziguiri Kick i opuszcza ring.
Ring Announcer: "The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!"
Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, Jobber"!
a series of coloured spotlights creates a terrific lightshow
A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestler�s greatest victories and most powerful moves
Jobber makes his way to the ring
wearing a rib cage T-shirt and black trunks
mounting a custom chopper
with his lover who kisses him burning with passion
two Pyrotechnics red and blue, blow at each corner of the ring
Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, arturusHBK"!
arturusHBK makes his way to the ring
driving a silvery '66 Aston Martin DB5
Jobber stands in a fighting pose
performing a violent Kicking Combination!!
Jobber grabs arturusHBK's ankles, putting them under his armpits
and turns him sitting down on his back performing a strong Boston Crab!!
Jobber keeps his excruciating submission hold
Jobber keeps his ruthless submission hold
Jobber releases his grasp
Jobber pulls arturusHBK still groggy, by his hair
Jobber puts his opponent on his shoulders
and lets himself fall on his back, executing a violent Samoan Drop!!
arturusHBK hooks the adversary's head
and he jumps ahead making Jobber, fall performing a violent Neck Drop!!
Jobber climbs the top turnbuckle and raises his fists holding them together
and jumps toward arturusHBK quickly lowering them, performing a violent Double Axe Handle!!
Jobber grabs arturusHBK's legs
and sits down on his back making him turn, performing a light Modified Boston Crab!!
Jobber keeps his excruciating submission hold
Jobber keeps his ruthless submission hold
arturusHBK reaches for a rope and grabs it!!
Jobber releases his grasp
Jobber gets on the top turnbuckle
and jumps toward the prone opponent hitting him with his head, performing a violent Diving Headbutt!!
arturusHBK Opponent lies have on it stands up after moment
and herein without notice receives power a smack in the face executing devastating Polish Superkick!!
Jobber puts arturusHBK's head under his arm
and raises him while falling forward, performing a devastating Modified Reverse Suplex!!
Jobber grabs his opponent from behind by the arms then spins them so that his opponent's head is behind Jobber's back
then drops down driving his opponent head first into the mat making them less pretty executing devastating Unprettier!!
Jobber tries a pinning maneuver
Referee starts counting...
HP : obaj
(JS) - Za nami trzy walki.
(MA) - Na sam początek The Polish Killer łatwo rozprawił się z Tony’m Hawkiem, następnie Wolfstark zniszczył Mr.Matthew, a przed minutą zakończyła się ciekawa walka w której Jobber pokonał arturusa.
(JS) - Walki tych ostatnich, nie ważne z jakim przeciwnikiem, stoją ostatnio na bardzo dobrym poziomie i ratują honor tych co by nie mówić słabszych wrestlerów.
(MA) - O walki tych lepszych martwić się nie możemy, teraz czeka nas kolejna walka - Germazynnn vs. Nicky Ocean. Enjoy!
Ring Announcer: "The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!"
Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, Germazynnn"!
Germazynnn makes his way to the ring
Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, Nicky Ocean"!
Nicky Ocean makes his way to the ring
Germazynnn jumps to hit his opponent
and hits him right to the face with a violent Knee Drop!!
Germazynnn lifts Nicky Ocean on his shoulders
and slams him on the mat executing Mortal Germazyn Bomb!!
Germazynnn tries a pinning maneuver
Referee starts counting...
HP : Germazynnn; Nicky Ocean
(JS) - Hej, Mart, czy to była walka??!!
(MA) - Nie wiem, sam nie mam pojęcia. Dwa silniejsze ciosy, kilka słabych kontr Nicky’ego, jeden finisher i po walce. No ale cóż, pochwaliliśmy wcześniejsze walki i teraz mamy karę.
(JS) - Oby ta kara nie powtórzyła się przy następnej walce…
(MA) - Nie ma prawa, T-Ash i Drozdek powinni nam chociaż trochę zrekompensować tą „walkę”.
Ring Announcer: "The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!"
Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, Drozdek"!
Drozdek makes his way to the ring
Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, T-Ash"!
it seems like a thunder has just stroke!
A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestler�s greatest victories and most powerful moves
T-Ash makes his way to the ring
two Pyrotechnics red and blue, blow at each corner of the ring
T-Ash loads his opponent on his shoulders
and throws himself backward crushing him on the ground, connecting with a devastating Samoan Drop!!
T-Ash grasps Drozdek
and lifts him up, slamming him down to the ground performing a devastating Body Slam!!
T-Ash open his arms ready to hit Drozdek
with a devastating Mongolian Chop!!
T-Ash turns against the adversary
and hits hime with a devastating Mule Kick on the groin!!
T-Ash grabs Drozdek's head
then drops backwards smashing Drozdek's head into the mat performing a powerful DDT!!
Drozdek climbs on the turnbuckle diving backwards
landing on T-Ash with a violent Moonsault!!
Drozdek grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes
Drozdek quickly runs towards his opponent and jumps
to grab his head slamming it on the mat, executing a violent Jumping Front Bulldog!!
Drozdek climbs the turnbuckle
and jumps forwards, landing on his opponent after a backflip in mid-air, connecting with a devastating Shooting Star Press!!!!
T-Ash climbs the top turnbuckle raising his elbow
and throws himself to Drozdek hitting him with a devastating Diving Elbow Drop!!
T-Ash climbs the top turnbuckle
and leaps toward Drozdek, hitting him with his body in a pinfall attempt perfoming a devastating Diving Crossbody!!
Referee starts counting...
HP : T-Ash; Drozdek
Let meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee entertain you!!!!!!!!!!!
- Wszyscy ostatnio robią zamieszanie z title shotami. Wszyscy nagle chcą zdobyć pas. Szczerze mówiąc mi to wisi kogo będę musiał zniszczyć. Lukas wygrał cudem, z pewnością maly nie chciał, ale w ostatecznym rozrachunku to w sumie mu pomógł. Do tego na ostatnim RoD potraktował mnie jak bym był nikim. Nie przeprosił za to, że mnie potrącił. MNIE, PPWF CHAMPIONA! I to tak nie zostanie. Po dwóch walkach czekam na ciebie w ringu. Lepiej żebyś sam przyszedł, nie mam zamiaru cię szukać po całym budynku.
Odrzuca mikrofon i wychodzi.
Full moon light is calling me, My kigndom lies within...
Z za rogu wychyla się postać Konrada Fuenteza, ubrany jest w czarną marynarkę i czarne spodnie w kant, do tego czarne błyszczące buty od Dr. Martensa.
Born to teach them all to heel, Born of Black wind fire and Steel
Fuentez zatrzymuje się przy zejściu z paltformy, światło przygasa, nagle z za rozłożonych rąk w pełnej ciemności buchają dwa wielkie słupy ognia!
Ring Announcer: "The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!"
Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, Senior Konrad Fuentez"!
A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestler�s greatest victories and most powerful moves
Senior Konrad Fuentez makes his way to the ring
two Pyrotechnics red and blue, blow at each corner of the ring
Ring Announcer : „And his opponent, Capoerista.
Na hali zapada cisza. Po chwili kamera ukazuje korytarz prowadzący do wyjścia na rampę, w którym The Wall zaatakował Capoeristę. Akcja przenosi się na rampę, The Wall obija głowę Capoeristy o barierki po obu stronach. Na koniec wykonuje mu Vertabreaker na stalową konstrukcję schodów i wrzuca Capoeristę na ring.
Senior Konrad Fuentez grabs opponents neck put him high in the air
and throws him down to the ground executing LEGENDARY Super Seller!!
Referee starts counting...
HP : SKF; Capoerista
Ring Announcer: "The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!"
Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, Tom_dopalacz"!
a series of coloured spotlights creates a terrific lightshow
and many changing-coloured Pyrotechnics flash all the way on the Titan Tron
Tom_dopalacz makes his way to the ring
driving a silvery '66 Aston Martin DB5
with his lover who kisses him burning with passion
technicians create a terrific choreography with coloured lights as he steps into the ring
Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, From Galaxy far far away...The New Master of The Force and CSW Continental Champion TC1 Lukas Stanczak"!
it seems like a thunder has just stroke!
suddenly high flames light on, as though the ‘tron was set to fire!
Lukas Stanczak makes his way to the ring
wearing black jacket with black sun glasses, slowly makes his way to the ring, looking around the arena, demending respect that he thinks he deserves
driving a flaming red ferrari 360 modena
with his lightsaber in hes pocket:)
four lightnings hit the ringposts
Lukas Stanczak garbs his opponent to lift him
and throws him on his knee to perform violent Inverted Atomic Drop!!
Lukas Stanczak grabs Tom_dopalacz on the ground by the head with both hands
and raises him and nobbles Tom_dopalacz down with the head on the ground executing a devastating Two Handed Face Buster!!
Lukas Stanczak gets on the top turnbuckle
and hits Tom_dopalacz with a powerful Diving Elbow Smash while diving!!
Lukas Stanczak approaches his laying opponent
and strikes his forehead with a violent Knee Stomp!!
Lukas Stanczak grabs Tom_dopalacz's hair
Lukas Stanczak grabs one Tom_dopalacz 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well
Lukas Stanczak runs to this opponent, who is running too
and jumps against him to execute a violent Lou Thesz Press Pin!!
Referee starts counting...
Tom_dopalacz kicks out
Lukas Stanczak grabs the head of the dumped opponent in front of himself with both the hands
and raises him hurling him with the face on the ground with a violent Force Face Drop!!
Lukas Stanczak grabs Tom_dopalacz's hair
Lukas Stanczak grabs Tom_dopalacz's head
falling backward slamming Tom_dopalacz's head into the mat with a violent DDT!!
Tom_dopalacz tries to hit his opponent with a punch, but he apparently fails
and strikes his opponent's face with violent Elbow Smash!!
Tom_dopalacz lifts the rival holding him horizontally
falling on the ground throwing him backwards over his head with violent Fallaway Slam!!
Lukas Stanczak grabs Tom_dopalacz on the ground by the head with both hands
and raises him hurling him with the face on the ground with a Mortal Force Face Drop!!
Lukas Stanczak grabs the head of the dumped opponent in front of himself with both the hands
and raises him hurling him with the face on the ground with a devastating Two Handed Face Buster!!
Lukas Stanczak grabs one Tom_dopalacz 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well
Lukas Stanczak gains power and momentum from spinning in motion and shoots his right leg as he runs
and then lands a heel blow on his opponent's face, performing a violent Spinning Wheel Kick!!
Lukas Stanczak pulls Tom_dopalacz still groggy, by his hair
Lukas Stanczak Grabs his rival's neck
and with a 90° rotations makes him hit the ground, connecting with a violent Sambo Suplex!!
Tom_dopalacz taps on his opponent's shoulder,
and knocks him down on the mat with a violent Standing Clothesline out of nowhere!!
Tom_dopalacz grabs Lukas Stanczak's hair
Tom_dopalacz hooks Lukas Stanczak's arms
and throws him backward with a devastating Modified Double Under Hook Suplex!!
Tom_dopalacz grabs Lukas Stanczak's hair
Tom_dopalacz and lunges himself on the ropes
Tom_dopalacz grasps his opponent with a flying catch and moves him whirling him from an arm to the other one
and makes him fall on his head with a violent Tilt A Whirl Piledriver after placing his head down!!
Lukas Stanczak gets on the top turnbuckle raising his fists held together
and jumps toward Tom_dopalacz quickly lowering them, performing a violent Double Axe Handle!!
Lukas Stanczak grabs Tom_dopalacz's hair
Lukas Stanczak grabs one Tom_dopalacz 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well
Lukas Stanczak bounces on the ropes running towards his opponent
hitting him with his extended arm performing a violent Clothesline!!
Tom_dopalacz approaches his opponent, getting in close range,
and knocks him down on the mat with a violent Standing Clothesline out of nowhere!!
Tom_dopalacz grabs Lukas Stanczak's hair
Tom_dopalacz grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes
Tom_dopalacz runs towards his opponent
then he grabs him by the head to drive his face to the mat with a violent One Arm Bulldog!!
Lukas Stanczak lifts Tom_dopalacz on his shoulders
and slams him on the mat executing LEGENDARY And He Shall See The Light Of The Chosen One!!
Referee starts counting...
HP : Lukas, Tom_dopalacz
Ring Announcer: "The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!"
Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, Maly619"!
a series of coloured spotlights creates a terrific lightshow
Suddenly high flames light on, as though the �Tron was set to fire!
Maly619 makes his way to the ring
wearing a vest with hood with big M on fire on back, short pants to knees. On his back he has a hude tatoo. On his hand's are alos tatoo's, on right big black dragon, on left cross with fire.
smoke hides the whole ring
Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, Coming from a Village of Will, also known as Oracle or Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son. The one, the only, the unique... Clairvoyant!"!
it seems like a thunder has just stroke!
a clip is aired on the titan tron, showing clairvoyant as a triple crowned champion in ppwf, including his greatest victories and most powerful moves
Clairvoyant makes his way to the ring
wearing a black wrestling costume and a black leather coat, with his baseball bat in his hand
four lightnings hit the ringposts and covers clairvoyant in sparks
Clairvoyant grabs his opponent from behind, hooking both of his arms from the sides
then lifts Maly619 up and falls backwards, arching his back and legs, having his opponent collide with his neck and shoulder on the mat performing a violent Tomorrow Is Today!!
Clairvoyant springs off the top rope and leaps on his opponent lying on the ground
and hits his opponent with a powerful Back To The Future!!
Maly619 spotting his bent opponent, throws himself on the ropes and leaps on him
driving his heel right on the back of his neck, knocking him on the ground and connecting with a devastating Scisser Kick!!
Clairvoyant jumps towards Maly619
and kicks him with dropkick, one leg in the throath and second in the groin executing LEGENDARY Predicted Nightmare!!
Maly619 puts his own hands under Clairvoyant's armpits, who is prone on the mat
and starts a strong Butterfly Lock crossing them behind his back!!
Maly619 keeps his ruthless submission hold
Maly619 keeps his ruthless submission hold
Maly619 releases his grasp
Maly619 grabs the grounded opponent's feet
and falls backward throwing him to the turnbuckle performing a violent Rocket Launcher!!
[Special Damage activated for Clairvoyant]
Maly619 lifts his opponent on his shoulders
and lets himself fall on his back, executing a HardCore Bi T Ch Drop!!
Maly619 grabs his opponent's hips and turns him sideways
and tosses him on the mat, back first, connecting with a devastating Side Slam!!
Maly619 grabs Clairvoyant's hair
Maly619 grabs one Clairvoyant 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well
Maly619 starts spinning and jumps towards his opponent
and then lands a blow on his opponent's face, connecting with a devastating Spinning Wheel Kick!!
Maly619 jumps on turnbucle
and fly into opponent executing LEGENDARY M-bomb!!
Maly619 tries a pinning maneuver
Referee starts counting...
HP : maly, Clair
Po walce maly bierze pas Claira i wchodzi z powrotem na ring. Klęka przy Clairvoyancie, krzycząć że na Title night go dorwie i odbierze mu pas, zawiązuje mu pas dookoła głowy i wykonuje na niego Knee Stomp, po czym opuszcza ring a RoD schodzi z anteny. |