Autor Wiadomość
PostWysłany: Nie 18:22, 20 Lip 2008    Temat postu:

jak bedzie, to bedzie
PostWysłany: Nie 17:35, 20 Lip 2008    Temat postu:

Kiedy będzie raport Z Summer Pain??
PostWysłany: Sob 15:47, 19 Lip 2008    Temat postu:

sklepię Was obu jak będzie taka potrzeba.
sobie nakupię miliony pomocników. stać mnie.
PostWysłany: Sob 13:18, 19 Lip 2008    Temat postu:

Dzieki Razz Very Happy
PostWysłany: Sob 13:16, 19 Lip 2008    Temat postu:

Wreszcie coś pomyślałeś Razz.
PostWysłany: Sob 13:08, 19 Lip 2008    Temat postu:

Gala żajebista. Gratuluje Smile Siwyyy co byś powiedział na TAG...? Very Happy
PostWysłany: Sob 11:42, 19 Lip 2008    Temat postu:

thepolishkiller napisał:
Jeny ta gala chyba była rzeczywiście zajebista, żadnej 4; 7 szóstek na 9 głosów. WOW.


Ta gala była chyba najlepsza ze wszystkich (szkoda że mnie nie było Sad ale będe bo został mi tylko 1 lvl do czwartego lvl
PostWysłany: Sob 0:08, 19 Lip 2008    Temat postu:

Jeny ta gala chyba była rzeczywiście zajebista, żadnej 4; 7 szóstek na 9 głosów. WOW.
PostWysłany: Pią 21:46, 18 Lip 2008    Temat postu:

taa xD szkoda tylko, że nie będe mógł sie rozwijac przez jakieś 2 tyg. tak jak normalnie:/ aktualnie jestem na wymianie w po9slce z niemcami i moge byc tylko wieczorami, a potem jade do niemiec.... gdyby nie wymiana miałbym, szanse na wygrana dziś....
PostWysłany: Pią 15:10, 18 Lip 2008    Temat postu:

Gala na 6+ ..... Killer świetny raport..... I będzie feud z Jamesem "Metallionem" Mano
PostWysłany: Pią 15:00, 18 Lip 2008    Temat postu:

Super Gala.Oby Tak dalej;]
PostWysłany: Pią 14:45, 18 Lip 2008    Temat postu:

Bardzo dobra gala:D Bardzo mi się podobał nawet najbardziej z tych w których uczestniczyłem
PostWysłany: Pią 14:37, 18 Lip 2008    Temat postu:

dobra gala, ciekawe pomysly, gratulacje Smile
PostWysłany: Pią 14:23, 18 Lip 2008    Temat postu: RoD (17)[18.07.08] - RAPORT!

Pojemność : 17 000
Bilety sprzedane : 16 645

(JS) - Z przepełnionej hali Palais Omnisports de Paris-Bercy w Paryżu witają państwa John Squash…
(MA) - I Martin McAndrews.
(JS) - Jesteśmy dwa dni przed największą galą tego lata, już za dwa dni na Summer Pain możemy być świadkami historycznego wydarzenia.
(MA) - To prawda, czeka nas walka o pas PPWF, ale również o przywrócenie pasa Heavyweight.
(JS) - A potem już tylko droga do Title Night PPV i największej gali roku - Domm’s Day PPV.
(MA) - Wkroczyliśmy w okres niezwykle prężnego rozwoju PPWF, najbliższe 2 miesiące mogą zmienić oblicze federacji o 360 stopni. Dzisiaj jednak kontynuujemy tournee po Europie. Dzisiaj, tuż po zakończeniu emisji RoD z Paryża przenosimy się wprost do Angli, konkretnie na O2 Arena w Greenwich.
(JS) - PPWF potwierdza sprzedanie wszystkich 25 630 biletów, które były dostępne na galę PPV Summer Pain.
(MA) - Na pewno czekają nas ogromne emocje, lecz wróćmy do dzisiejszej gali.

Ring Announcer: "The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!"
Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, arturusHBK"!
arturusHBK makes his way to the ring
Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, Iron Bull"!
Iron Bull makes his way to the ring
arturusHBK flanks his opponents, and wraps one arm across his chest
and sweeps Iron Bull's leg with his own leg to slam the other wrestler back-first, executing a light STO!!
arturusHBK grabs his opponent's arm and laying on the ground perpendicularly
then he crosses his legs over his chest pulling on the shoulder to perform a light Crucifix Armbar!!
arturusHBK keeps his weak submission hold
arturusHBK keeps his weak submission hold
arturusHBK releases his grasp

arturusHBK jumps to hit his opponent with a knee
and hits it with the knee, executing a light Knee on Leg!!
arturusHBK brings his foot up
then drops it into Iron Bull executing an strong Axe Kick!!
arturusHBK lifts Iron Bull on his shoulders
and slams him on the mat executing light Polish Bomb!!
arturusHBK gets on the top turnbuckle raising his fists held together
and throws himself toward Iron Bull hitting him with a light Modified Double Axe Handle!!
arturusHBK is about to perform his taunt
arturusHBK executing The Polish Show
arturusHBK gets on the top turnbuckle with a jump and raises his fists to the sky holding them together
and leaps toward Iron Bull quickly lowering them, performing a strong Double Axe Handle!!
arturusHBK holds his opponent's head
and hits it with a dreadful series of knee strikes by executing a light Knees Lift!!
arturusHBK lifts Iron Bull on his shoulders
and slams him on the mat executing light Polish Bomb!!
arturusHBK tries a pinning maneuver
Referee starts counting...
Iron Bull gets his shoulder up somehow
arturusHBK puts his opponent on his shoulders
and lets himself fall on his back, executing a strong Modified Samoan Drop!!
arturusHBK loads his opponent on his shoulders
and lets himself fall on his back, executing a strong Modified Samoan Drop!!
arturusHBK gets on the top turnbuckle raising his fists held together
and jumps toward Iron Bull quickly lowering them, performing a strong Double Axe Handle!!
arturusHBK tries a pinning maneuver
Referee starts counting...

HP po walce : ArturusHBK, Bull

[Kamera ukazuje wnętrze biura Lukasa Stanczaka. Lukas siedzi sam czytając gazetę, po chwili ktoś puka do drzwi.]
- Wejść!
[W drzwiach ukazuje się postać SKF’a.]
- Zapraszałeś mnie?
- Wzywałem…
- Uznam, że się przesłyszałem.. Pozwól, że usiądę.
Fuentez siada w fotelu.
- W czym rzecz Lukas. Bo chciałbym przypomnieć Ci, że mój czas jest bardzo cenny…
- W dupie mam twój czas, Fuentez! Podpisałeś kontrakt, gówno mnie obchodzi po co i dlaczego. Jestem twoim szefem i będziesz robił co ci każę!
Fuentez powoli wstaje. Nachyla się nad biurkiem i patrzy Lukasowi prosto w oczy.
- Znowu uznam, że się przesłyszałem… Więc w czym rzecz. Bo mam ważniejsze sprawy, niż patrzenie na twój łeb.
- Co do łba… Jak Ci się coś nie podoba, możesz dostać po łbie. I to już dziś.
Do pokoju wchodzi Siwyyy. Staje obok fuenteza i milczy.
- A ten co tu robi?
- Macie dziś walkę, chciałem Ci to powiedzieć. Jak wygrasz, na co nie liczę, masz walkę. O pas. I będzie to walka o przywrócenie pasa Heavyweight, bo wątpie by Clairvoyant był w stanie mnie pokonać… Ale jeśli dojdzie do cudu będziesz walczył z nim. Jak nie dojdzie do cudu spuszczę Ci łomot i odechce Ci się walk o pas…
- A jak nie wygram z Siwyyy’m to co?
- To więcej o pas nie powalczysz...
Fuentez patrzy ze złością i obrzydzenią prosto w twarz Siwyyy'ego i wychodzi trzaskając drzwiami. Z korytarza dochodzą krzyki i odgłosy rzucania wszystkim co się ma pod ręką. Twarz Lukasa wykrzywia ironiczny uśmiech, widać jednak na jego twarzy odrobinę strachu i niepewności.

-Siwyyy. Zabij go. Lepiej go zabij…

(JS) - A więc dzisiaj Fuentez dostanie szansę na uzyskanie title shota na PPWF Heavyweight Championship.
(MA) - I chyba na szansie się skończy. Siwyyy jest niezwykle trudnym do pokonania zawodnikiem i Fuentezowi będzie bardzo ciężko.
(JS) - O tym przekonamy się pod koniec dzisiejszej gali, teraz zaczynamy pierwszą walkę wieczoru.

Ring Announcer: "The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!"
Time and time again
Yes I did it and I'll do it again

Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, Alex Damon"!
Alex Damon makes his way to the ring
Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, Kaman"!
Barrage of shots from a machine gun are heard over the arena
Sparks are showering
Kaman makes his way to the ring
Alex Damon grabs his opponent's wrist and sits down on his back
then he grabs the other one too crossing them under the chin to press with a light Goku-Raku Stretch!!
Alex Damon keeps his ruthless submission hold
Alex Damon keeps his weak submission hold
Alex Damon releases his grasp
Kaman lifts up his opponet so Alex Damon's back is resting on the wrestler's shoulder
then pulls down on his neck and legs performing a light Canadian Back Breaker!!
Kaman keeps his weak submission hold
Kaman keeps his ruthless submission hold
Kaman releases his grasp
Kaman is about to perform his taunt
Kaman executing An Maxback
Kaman grabs his opponent's arm and gets on the ground on his side
and twists his chest with the legs pulling on the shoulder, performing a light Crucifix Armbar!!
Kaman keeps his weak submission hold
Kaman keeps his ruthless submission hold
Kaman releases his grasp
Alex Damon awaits his running opponent and spins in a circle
extending his arm to hit Kaman, performing a strong Discus Clothesline!!
Kaman grabs one Alex Damon 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well
Kaman stretches in flight with his feet held togheter
and hits him with a strong Dropsault, spinning in the air before falling down to the mat!!
Kaman gets on the top turnbuckle with a jump and raises his fists to the sky holding them together
and throws himself toward Alex Damon hitting him with a strong Double Axe Handle!!
Kaman is about to perform his taunt
Kaman executing An Maxback
Kaman grabs Alex Damon's hair
Kaman and lunges himself on the ropes
Kaman awaits his running opponent and spins in a circle
while spinning, he extends his arm hitting Alex Damon with a strong Discus Clothesline!!
Kaman climbs the top turnbuckle and raises his fists holding them together
and leaps toward Alex Damon quickly lowering them, performing a violent Double Axe Handle!!
Alex Damon lifts his opponent on his shoulders
and lets himself fall on his back, executing a violent Samoan Drop!!
Kaman lifts up his opponet so Alex Damon's back is resting on the wrestler's shoulder
then pulls down on his neck and legs performing a light Canadian Back Breaker!!
Kaman keeps his weak submission hold
Alex Damon can't resist anymore and taps out!!
Po zakończeniu walki na ring wchodzi z krzesłem James “Metallion” Mano i zaczyna bić nim Alexa. Po drugim ciosie James obraca się na odgłos kroków i Kaman wykonuje Dropkick w krzesło, które uderza w twarz James’a. Z pogardą skopuje go z ringu i wychodzi na backstage.

HP po walce : Kaman, Alex

Ring Announcer: "The following contest is scheduled for One Fall and it’s King of the Ring on Summer Pain for RoD Championship Qualyfing Match!!!"
Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, mart mong"!
mart mong makes his way to the ring
technicians create a terrific choreography with coloured lights as he steps into the ring
Bądź mistrzem!
Masz talent, to go doskonal

Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, T-Ash"!
it seems like a thunder has just stroke!
A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestler’s greatest victories and most powerful moves
T-Ash makes his way to the ring
two Pyrotechnics red and blue, blow at each corner of the ring
T-Ash lifts his opponent on his shoulders
and throws himself backward, trampling him with violent Modified Polish Drop!!
mart mong bounces against the ropes and runs toward T-Ash's back
and grabs him at the nape of the neck, slamming him down to the mat face first performing a violent Modified Bulldog!!
T-Ash loads his opponent on his shoulders
and throws himself backward, trampling him with devastating Modified Polish Drop!!
T-Ash loads his opponent on his shoulders
and lets himself fall on his back, executing a powerful Modified Polish Drop!!
T-Ash grabs his rival's leg
and hits it with an elbow performing a violent Elbow drop to inner thigh!!
T-Ash pulls mart mong still groggy, by his hair
T-Ash puts his opponent on his shoulders
and throws himself backward, trampling him with violent Samoan Drop!!
mart mong open his arms
and strikes T-Ash's face with both hands performing a violent Mongolian Chop!!
mart mong waits for the running opponent
and throws him up in the air with a violent Big Toss!!
T-Ash puts his opponent's head beetween own legs lifts his body up
and clenches his head chest and legs executing devastating Unchain The Beast!!
T-Ash keeps his weak submission hold
mart mong can't resist anymore and taps out!!

HP po walce : T-Ash, mart

(JS) - A więc mamy już drugiego członka King of the Ring. Po Begihicie do walki o RoD Championship włącza się T-Ash.
(MA) - Niby jest w PPWF bardzo krótko a popatrz, już ma szansę na zabłyśnięcie.
(JS) - Jednak w drugiej parze jeśli wygra Begihit to nawet przy wygranej T-Ash’a ma on małe szanse na zdobycie pasa, jeśli Begihit przegra będą one jeszcze mniejsze, o ile znajdzie się na tyle silny wrestler by go pokonać.
(MA) - Summer Pain Rebound czeka nas jednak dopiero 22 lipca, wróćmy do dzisiejszych wydarzeń.

Kamera ukazuje wnętrze szatni Alexa Damona. Ogląda on powtórkę sytuacji, gdy James przyjął na twarz Dropkick przez krzesło, jest wyraźnie rozbawiony lecz od czasu do czasu łapie się za żebra, które przyjęły potężne ciosy krzesłem. Do szatni wchodzi James.
- Nie wiem co cię tak bawi… Skoro aż tak lubisz smak porażki i ból, to zmierz się ze mną dzisiaj jeden na jeden.
Alex pomału wstaje z grymasem bólu na twarzy i niespodziewanie kopie Jamesa w brzuch i wykonuje mu potężne DDT. Wciąż trzymając się za żebra wykopuje Jamesa z szatni i zamyka drzwi. Nagle odwraca się, otwiera drzwi ponownie i krzyczy.

Ring Announcer: "The following contest is the Submission Match! There are no pinfalls and no disqualification! The only way to win is by submission!"
Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, Drozdek"!
Drozdek makes his way to the ring
Ive been a prisoner
Trapped in by fear
Ordered for the rest of my life
Condemned in a jail cell

Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, from Poland, standing at 6’5 ft, weight in at 250 pounds. He is The Wall - DAVIIIIIID PARKEEEEER!"!
david "the wall" pareker comes out from backstage.
driving a flaming red ferrari 360 modena.
David "The Wall" Parker makes his way to the ring
wearing long flamed pants and T-Shirt with DX logo.
red carpet is laying on the ramp. from titan tron flash many coloured pyrotechnics.
on 4 turnbuckles explodes fire. two big white lights hits scene, other one is following wrestler.
Drozdek grabs a trash can
and hits David "The Wall" Parker forehead executing a violent trash can shot!!
David "The Wall" Parker crosses in a figure 4 Drozdek's legs who's laying prone on the mat
performing a light Reverse Figure 4!!
David "The Wall" Parker keeps his excruciating submission hold
David "The Wall" Parker keeps his excruciating submission hold
David "The Wall" Parker releases his grasp
David "The Wall" Parker hooks Drozdek's legs who's laying prone on the mat
performing a light Prison Lock!!
David "The Wall" Parker keeps his ruthless submission hold
David "The Wall" Parker keeps his ruthless submission hold
David "The Wall" Parker releases his grasp
David "The Wall" Parker grabs Drozdek's arms and legs making lever on them
stretching Drozdek performing a light Mexican Stretch!!
David "The Wall" Parker keeps his ruthless submission hold
David "The Wall" Parker keeps his ruthless submission hold
David "The Wall" Parker releases his grasp
David "The Wall" Parker pulls Drozdek still groggy, by his hair
David "The Wall" Parker puts his opponent on his shoulders
and lets himself fall on his back, executing a devastating Wall Crusher!!
David "The Wall" Parker dives into Drozdek with a clothesline
knocking him down executing a violent 3 Point Stance Charge!!
David "The Wall" Parker crosses opponent legs and stands on them
then grabs both opponent arms pulling them executing strong Concrete Lock!!
David "The Wall" Parker keeps his weak submission hold
Drozdek can't resist anymore and taps out!!

HP po walce : David, Drozdek

(JS) - Kolene zwycięstwo Davida, jestem coraz bardziej pewny, że długo jeszcze będzie on w posiadaniu pasa Cruiserweight.
(MA) - Zobaczymy co pokaże Alex Damon na Summer Pain, ale porównując ich walki nie daje mu najmniejszych szans.
(JS) - Przypominamy, że dzisiaj w Main Evencie na paryskim RoD Siwyyy będzie miał szansę pozbawienie Fuenteza walki o pas.
(MA) - A już za moment Alex Damon, który przyjął wyzwanie zmierzy się z Jamesem „Mettalionem” Mano.

Ring Announcer: "The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!"
Time and time again
Yes I did it and I'll do it again

Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, Alex Damon"!
Alex Damon makes his way to the ring
Yeah, I feel you too
Feel, those things you do
In your eyes I see a fire that burns just for you
That's running through
Deep inside you know, seeds I plant will grow

Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, James ''Metallion'' Mano"!
James ''Metallion'' Mano makes his way to the ring
Alex Damon loads his opponent on his shoulders
and throws himself backward, trampling him with strong Modified Samoan Drop!!
Alex Damon grabs hold of his opponent's leg
and slams it on the mat, executing a light Spinning Leg Crush!!
Alex Damon lifts his opponent on his shoulders
and throws himself backward crushing him on the ground, connecting with a violent Modified Samoan Drop!!
Alex Damon grabs James ''Metallion'' Mano's arms and legs stretching them from behind
hooking the legs to his own legs, performing a light Mexican Stretch!!
Alex Damon keeps his weak submission hold
Alex Damon keeps his weak submission hold
Alex Damon runs toward James ''Metallion'' Mano
and hooks his arm driving him down to the ground, performing a strong Running Arm Drag!!
James ''Metallion'' Mano loads his opponent on his shoulders
and lets himself fall on his back, executing a violent Samoan Drop!!
Alex Damon puts opponent on his shoulders lifts him high in the air
and slams opponent on the mat face first executing violent Polish Big Bomb!!
Alex Damon prepares his arm
and falls on James ''Metallion'' Mano with his fist executing a strong Fist But!!
Alex Damon puts opponent on his shoulders lifts him high in the air
and slams opponent on the mat face first executing powerful Polish Big Bomb!!
Alex Damon tries a pinning maneuver
Referee starts counting...

HP po walce : Alex,James

(MA) - No, jestem pod wrażeniem tego, co zrobił Alex w tej walce. Dwa razy wykonał Jamesowi Polish Big Bomb, spowodował także obfite krwawienie u swojego rywala.
(JS) - Jednak to chyba wciąż jest za mało na zdobycie pasa Cruiserweight.
(MA) - Co do pasa Cruiserweight ma nam coś do powiedzenia The Polish Killer.

N-Now tha-tha’t don’t kill me, can only make me stronger.
- Przed państwem zwycięzca tej walki, No. 1 Contender i przyszły Cruiserweight Champion - ALEEEEEX DAAAMOOOOOON! Jednak nie jestem tutaj tylko po to, by pokazać wam kto wygra z Davidem. Mam ogłoszenie dotyczące samej walki. Z początku walka była planowana na One Fall Match. Będzie to jednak No-Disqualification Three Fall Match! Zwycięży ten, kto pierwszy trzykrotnie odliczy rywala.
Odrzuca mikrofon i razem z zadowolonym Alexem opuszcza ring.

(JS) - Wow. Pierwszy raz w historii PPWF obejrzymy three fall match! I do tego No-Disqualification! Nie wierzę.
(MA) - Nie wiem, czy promujący Alexa Chairman PPWF postąpił mądrze wyznaczając taką walkę. Może i brak dyskwalifikacji daje większe szanse Alexowi, ale przecież David również może korzystać z nielegalnych w zwykłej walce przedmiotów. Wg. mnie ta decyzja była podjęta zbyt pochopnie, zobaczymy co z tego będzie.
(JS) - Z pewnością sprawi to, że walka będzie o wiele ciekawsza od zwykłego One Fall Matchu. No i logiczne jest to, że będzie dłuższa.
(MA) - Co by to nie było, Three Fall czy jakakolwiek inna walka, ciągle moim faworytem pozostanie The Wall i nic tego nie zmieni. Nawet jakby walczył z Siwyyy’m. Bardzo podoba mi się jego styl i nic na to nie poradzę. <śmiech>
(JS) - Nie ma się co dziwić, że ciągle myślami odchodzimy do Summer Pain, w końcu to już za dwa dni, jednak postarajmy się bardziej być w temacie dzisiejszej gali i tego co nas jeszcze czeka. A czeka nas jeszcze dużo emocji.
(MA) - Tak jest, między innym dzisiaj, w Cage Matchu Lukas Stanczak podejmie No. 1 Contendera do pasa PPWF na Summer Pain Rebound! To może być jego przyszły rywal więc zapowiada się ciekawa walka.
(JS) - Także w Main Evencie SKF będzie walczył z Siwyyy’m o szansą na title shota na pas PPWF Heavyweight Championa. A to wszystko obejrzą państwo już za kilkanaście minut, na żywo z Paryża gala RoD dwa dni przed największą galą lata!
(MA) - Teraz czeka nas również ciekawa walka z udziałem GM’a RoD, można powiedzieć, że jest to rozgrzewka przed Capoeristą, Lukas Stanczak vs. John the Serial.

Ring Announcer: "The following contest scheduled for one fall and it’s no disqualification match"
Cut my life into pieces
This is my last resort
No breathing
Don't give a fuck if I cut my arm bleeding'

Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, John the Serial"!
Suddenly high flames light on, as though the �Tron was set to fire!
John the Serial makes his way to the ring
Not wanting to die out here without you...
Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, from Warsaw, Poland he is 6"5' weighting in 271 Lbs, "The Chosen One" Lukas Stanczak"!
it seems like a thunder has just stroke!
Suddenly high flames light on, as though the �Tron was set to fire!
Lukas Stanczak makes his way to the ring
wearing black jacket with black sun glasses, slowly makes his way to the ring, looking around the arena, demending respect that he thinks he deserves
driving a flaming red Ferrari 360 Modena
with his lover who kisses him burning with passion
Four lightnings hit the ringposts
Lukas Stanczak resolutely climbs the top turnbuckle
and leaps hitting John the Serial with a violent Diving Elbow Smash in the face, knocking him down!!
John the Serial dogdes his rival's blow, flanking him
then he turns on his hips and hits him on the head, connecting with violent Shuffle Side Kick!!
Lukas Stanczak grasps John the Serial
and slams him down to the mat performing a violent Body Slam!!
Lukas Stanczak grabs his rival's leg
and hits it with an elbow performing a devastating Elbow drop to inner thigh!!
Lukas Stanczak raises his own leg into the oncoming opponent's face
and drives the sole of his boot into his face with a violent Big Boot!!
Lukas Stanczak grabs John the Serial's hair
Lukas Stanczak and lunges himself on the ropes
Lukas Stanczak waits for the adversary
joining his fists like an hammer and hitting him on the face performing a violent Modified Polish Hammer!!
Lukas Stanczak lifts his opponent on his shoulders
and lets himself fall on his back, executing a devastating Death In Polish Style!!
John the Serial prepares to hit Lukas Stanczak hurling his leg
and hits him on the face with a violent Roundhouse Kick!!
[Special Initiative activated for John the Serial]
John the Serial puts his opponent on his shoulders
and lets himself fall on his back, executing a devastating We Are What We Are What We Shall Be Again!!
Lukas Stanczak approaches his opponent, getting in close range,
and delivers a big smash on his neck, performing a violent Standing Clothesline!!
Lukas Stanczak grabs an heavy extinguisher
and hits John the Serial forehead executing a devastating extinguisher shot!!
Lukas Stanczak climbs the top turnbuckle
and dives on John the Serial performing a powerful Body Splash!!
Referee starts counting...

HP po walce : Lukas,JTS

(JS) - Można uznać, że Lukas jest w pełni gotowy na dzisiejszy Cage Match.
(MA) - Tak, po tej walce widać, że jest głodny zwycięstw i dwa dni przed walką o pas PPWF Championa jest w wysokiej formie. Zobaczymy co pokaże w Main Evencie na Summer Pain.
(JS) - Pomału zbliżamy się do Main Eventu dzisiejszej gali RoD wprost ze stolicy mody, z miasta wieży Eiffla, ze słonecznego Paryża. W kolejnej walce rywalem qRY będzie michu619.

Ring Announcer: "The following contest is the invitational match, and is scheduled for one fall"
Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, qRA"!
it seems like a thunder has just stroke!
qRA makes his way to the ring
Hooold on, beee strong!!
Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, michu619"!
michu619 makes his way to the ring
michu619 approaches qRA from behind and puts his head under qRAs arm
and hooks his arm between qRAs legs lifting him in the air twisting his body slamming him to the mat holding the power bomb executing a violent Blue Thunder Pin!!
Referee starts counting...
qRA gets up and resolutely fights back
michu619 lifts his opponent on his shoulders
and throws himself backward, trampling him with violent Samoan Drop!!
qRA springs off the top rope and leaps on his opponent lying on the ground
and lands on him with a powerful Springboard Moonsault!!!
qRA pulls michu619 still groggy, by his hair
qRA blocks the supine opponenent holding him by the head
and making a 180° turn lets him fall on the ground by the face with a devastating Qra Twisting Ddt!!
qRA grabs michu619's head from behind
and making a twist of 180° slams his face on the ground connecting a devastating Qra Twisting Ddt!!
qRA springs off the top rope and leaps on his opponent lying on the ground
and lands on him with a violent Springboard Moonsault!!!
qRA bounces off the top rope with michu619 lying face up on the mat
and lands on him back first executing a powerful Springboard Senton Splash!!
michu619 grabs his opponent
and crushes his head on the ground to perform an violent Inverted DDT!!
michu619 grabs the rival's leg after putting his head under his arm
lifting him up and making him fall to the ground head first performing a devastating Fisherman DDT!!
michu619 pulls qRA still groggy, by his hair
michu619 takes qRAs arm as
he runs toward him executing light Crippler Crossface!!
michu619 keeps his excruciating submission hold
qRA can't resist anymore and taps out!!
[i]I told ya'll motherfuckers I was comin' back… - Siwyyy wychodzi z backstage’u i zatrzymuje się na sczycie rapmy patrząc na stojącego nad swoim bratem micha. Powoli podchodzi do ringu i wchodzi na niego. Michu odsuwa się na bezpieczną odległość, qRA wstaje opierając się o brata. Przechodzi przez liny i obniża je by pomóc przejść bratu lecz nagle zmienia zdanie, łapie qRĘ za głową i skacze w dół ringu miażdżąc qRZE gardło o liny, michu wchodzi na narożnik i wykonuje qRZE potężny Splash. Razem z Siwyyy’m opuszczają ring. Zamroczony, poobijany i zdziwiony qRA patrzy na opuszczających ring wrestlerów, pomału wstaje i przy pomocy sędziów opuszcza ring.

HP po walce : michu,qRA

(JS) - Zaskakujący obrót wydarzeń, myślałem, że Siwyyy będzie chciał pomóc bratu, na to się też zanosiło widząc reakcje micha na widok Siwyyy’ego. Niesamowity obrót sprawy.
(MA) - Czyżbyśmy na Summer Pain mieli widzieć walkę brat vs. brat?
(JS) - Wątpię, aby aż tak daleko posunął się ten konflikt… Zapewne przekonamy się o finale tej sprawy już wkrótce, tymczasem zapraszamy na Cage Match z udziałem GMa RoD i No. 1 Contendera na Summer Pain Rebound o pas PPWF Championship.

Ring Announcer: "The following contest is the Steel Cage Match! The only way to win is to escape from the cage!"
This is 10%luck, 20% skill, 15%concentrated power of will, 5%pleasure, 50% pain and 100% reason to remember the name
Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, Capoerista"!
A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestler’s greatest victories and most powerful moves
Capoerista makes his way to the ring
two Pyrotechnics red and blue, blow at each corner of the ring
Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, from Warsaw, Poland he is 6"5' weighting in 271 Lbs, "The Chosen One" Lukas Stanczak"!
it seems like a thunder has just stroke!
Suddenly high flames light on, as though the ‘Tron was set to fire!
Lukas Stanczak makes his way to the ring
wearing black jacket with black sun glasses, slowly makes his way to the ring, looking around the arena, demending respect that he thinks he deserves
driving a flaming red Ferrari 360 Modena
with his lover who kisses him burning with passion
Four lightnings hit the ringposts
Capoerista blocks one of his opponent's legs locking it between his thighs
and lying on top of him wraps his arms around his chin, performing a light STF!!
Capoerista keeps his excruciating submission hold
Capoerista keeps his excruciating submission hold
Capoerista releases his grasp
Lukas Stanczak tries to hit his opponent with a punch, but he apparently fails
and strikes his opponent with a violent Elbow Smash!!
Lukas Stanczak runs toward Capoerista and leaps
hitting his face with his knee performing a violent Running Knee Smash!!
Capoerista crosses in a figure 4 Lukas Stanczak's legs who's laying prone on the mat
causing him pain with a strong Polish Crab!!
Capoerista keeps his excruciating submission hold
Capoerista keeps his excruciating submission hold
Capoerista releases his grasp
Capoerista crosses in a figure 4 Lukas Stanczak's legs who's laying prone on the mat
and subdues him with a strong Polish Crab!!
Capoerista keeps his ruthless submission hold
Capoerista keeps his agonizing submission hold
Capoerista releases his grasp
Lukas Stanczak grabs Capoerista's head
and slams his opponent’s head against the steel cage executing a devastating headbutt on steel cage!!
Lukas Stanczak gains power and momentum from spinning in motion and shoots his right leg as he runs
nailing his heel into the jaw of his opponent, executing a violent Spinning Wheel Kick!!
Lukas Stanczak gets on the top turnbuckle raising his fists held together
and leaps toward Capoerista quickly lowering them, performing a devastating Double Axe Handle!!
Capoerista lifts Lukas Stanczak on his shoulders
and slams him on the mat executing devastating Cintura Disprezada!!
Lukas Stanczak turns against the adversary
and kicks him with a powerful Mule Kick!!!
Lukas Stanczak looks up, then lifts Capoerista on his shoulders
and crush him on the mat executing violent And He Shall See The Light Of The Chosen One!!
The match cannot end with a pin fall
Lukas Stanczak pulls Capoerista still groggy, by his hair
Lukas Stanczak loads his opponent on his shoulders
and throws himself backward, trampling him with devastating Death In Polish Style!!
Lukas Stanczak grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes
Lukas Stanczak dashes towards his opponent
then he grabs him by the head to drive his face to the mat with a violent One Arm Bulldog!!
Lukas Stanczak is about to perform his taunt
Capoerista capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!
but Lukas Stanczak is faster and is not caught off guard!
Lukas Stanczak gets ready to hit Capoerista
and raises his arm rapidly hitting with the forearm Capoerista's jaw performing an powerful European Uppercut!!
Lukas Stanczak climbs the steel cage to the top
and jumps on Capoerista executing a Mortal fliyng headbutt!!
Lukas Stanczak grabs Capoerista's hair
Lukas Stanczak grabs Capoerista's belly, raising him up on his own shoulder
and slams him down on the ground making him fall forward, performing a devastating the Chosen One Path!!
Lukas Stanczak climbs the top turnbuckle and raises his fists holding them together
and jumps toward Capoerista quickly lowering them, performing a strong Double Axe Handle!!
Lukas Stanczak is about to perform his taunt
Lukas Stanczak Puts Hes Hands Together And Starts To Pray executing The God Bless Me
Lukas Stanczak start to blimb the steel cage
Lukas Stanczak starts to climb the steel cage
Lukas Stanczak reaches the top of the cage
Lukas Stanczak climbs over the top bar and moves to the outer side
Lukas Stanczak and finally leaves the cage!

HP po walce : Lukas,Capoerista

(JS) - A więc Lukas pokazał Capoeriście, że jeśli to on będzie PPWF Championem to Capoerista będzie miał trudną przeprawę.
(MA) - Drugi raz dzisiejszego wieczoru udowodnił swoją wyższość, zobaczymy czy w takiej dyspozycji ujrzymy Lukasa również na Summer Pain i na Rebound.
(JS) - Wróćmy jednak teraz do rzeczywistości, bo czeka nas Main Event, w którym SKF może wywalczyć sobie prawo do walki o pas heavyweight, co oznacza, że bez względu kto wygra walkę na Summer Pain, czekają go dwie walki na Rebound!
(MA) - Tak jest, teraz tylko ważne jest, która walka będzie ustawiona na Main Event.
(JS) - Moim zdaniem, jeśli Clairvoyant nie przywróci pasa Heavyweight i straci pas PPWF walka o przywrócenie pasa Heavyweight będzie Main Eventem. Jeśli zaś Clairvoyant wygra, to chyba walka o pas PPWF będzie Main Eventem.
(MA) - Zobaczymy, dzisiaj jednak Main Eventem jest walka o title shota dla SKF’a a jego rywalem jest Siwyyy.

Ring Announcer: "The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!"
Full moon light is calling me, My kigndom lies within...
Z za rogu wychyla się postać Konrada Fuenteza, ubrany jest w czarną marynarkę i czarne spodnie w kant, do tego czarne błyszczące buty od Dr. Martensa.
Born to teach them all to heel, Born of Black wind fire and steel
Fuentez zatrzymuje się przy zejściu z paltformy, światło przygasa, nagle z za rozłożonych rąk w pełnej ciemności buchają dwa wielkie słupy ognia!

Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, Senior Konrad Fuentez"!
Senior Konrad Fuentez makes his way to the ring
two Pyrotechnics red and blue, blow at each corner of the ring
I told ya'll motherfuckers I was comin' back
Ring Announcer: "and opponent, making his way to the ring by michu619, Siwyyy"!
A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestler�s greatest victories and most powerful moves
Siwyyy makes his way to the ring
Siwyyy open his arms in a threatening gesture
and grasps his head squeezing his temples, performing a light Brain Squeezer!!
Siwyyy keeps his ruthless submission hold
Siwyyy keeps his ruthless submission hold
Siwyyy releases his grasp
Senior Konrad Fuentez easily grabs his opponent and lifts him up over the head
and lets him fall in front of him to perform a Mortal Fuentez Milion Dollar Slam!!
Senior Konrad Fuentez takes a short run
and dives on Siwyyy with a powerful Fuentez Big Splash!!
Referee starts counting...
Siwyyy gets up and resolutely fights back
Siwyyy grabs the adversary Belly to Back
executing a German Suplex, then he connects a second one and in the end he connects also the third one, performing a devastating Modified Multiple German Suplex!!
Siwyyy lifts up his opponet so Senior Konrad Fuentez's back is resting on the wrestler's shoulder
then pulls down on his neck and legs performing a light Canadian Back Breaker!!
Siwyyy keeps his excruciating submission hold
Siwyyy keeps his excruciating submission hold
Siwyyy releases his grasp
Siwyyy is about to perform his taunt
Siwyyy grabs the adversary Belly to Back
executing a German Suplex, then he connects a second one and in the end he connects also the third one, performing a devastating Modified Multiple German Suplex!!
Siwyyy grabs Senior Konrad Fuentez's hair
Siwyyy lifte his opponent on his back while headed down
and slams him down by performing a devastating Modified Vertabreaker!!
Na ring wbiega qRA, wykonuje michowi Kickflipa, wchodzi na ring, Siwyyy próbuje go zepchnąć Spearem, lecz qRA się odsuwa i podczas nieuwagi sędziego zajmującego się leżącym Fuentezem obja Siwyyy’ego krzesłem i pięściami po czym wrzuca go na ring.
Senior Konrad Fuentez bounces against the ropes
and dives on Siwyyy with a violent Big Splash Pin!!
Referee starts counting...

HP po walce : SKF,Siwyyy

Kamera ukazuje basckstage, na którym SKF spotyka qRĘ. Fuentez i qRa stoją naprzeciwko siebie. Fuentez wyciąga gotówkę, klepie qRę otwartą ręką po twarzy
- Dobry piesek..
Fuentez odchodzi i zostawia qRĘ przeliczającego gotówkę, po czym RoD schodzi z antany…

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